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Ms. Amanda Othoudt May 26, 2015 <br />City of Elk RiverPage 7 <br />SCOPE AND COST OF SERVICES  Comprehensive Housing Needs Analysis <br />A. Project Kickoff Meeting/Field Work <br />1.Meet with representatives of the City of Elk River and other stakeholders to review <br />project goals and objectives. Refine work program if required. This report will re- <br />quire some assistance from the City of Elk River and stakeholders; data requests and <br />other project assistance will be discussed during this time. <br />2. Conduct a windshield survey of the housing stock in Elk River. <br />B. Review of Past Studies/Planning Documents <br />1.Obtain information on past housing studies/planning documents or <br />reports/publications with information pertinent to the assignmen <br />documents and identify information from these analyses that is i <br />study; identify how current conditions have changed. <br />2. Summarize information obtained from previous documents and their <br />current analysis; include conflicting information or document ke <br />relevance to the current project. <br /> <br />C. Demographic Analysis (Data will also be provided for comparison purposes to other <br />Minnesota communities. Peer cities will be discussed during the kick-off meeting) <br />1.Identify a housing draw area for the City of Elk River. <br />2.Examine population and household growth trends and projections to 2025. <br />3.Examine demographic information on: <br />a.population age distribution <br />b.persons per household (household size) <br />c.household incomes by age of householder <br />d.household incomes be tenure <br />e.household net worth <br />f.household tenure <br />g.household tenureby age of householder <br />h.household tenure by household size <br />i.household type <br />j.diversity/ethnicity/culture <br />4.Present information on mobility trends. <br />5.Summarize links between the demographic profile and housing dema <br />6.Discuss the implications of the findings on housing demand in Elk River. <br /> <br /> <br />MAXFIELD RESEARCH INC. <br />