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r <br /> R <br /> B U I L D I N G H E A L T H Y C O M M U N I T I E S <br /> Creating A Vision <br /> Community visioning, or strategic planning, is about the future. It is a process that determines <br /> goals, anticipates surprises, addresses uncertainties,plays out the "what ifs," and creates action <br /> steps and partnerships for the entire community. <br /> By Carl H. Neu <br /> ll communities have a It is not a planning tool such as a <br /> future. But what will be comprehensive or master land-use <br /> the quality of that future? plan; it is not a means for allocating <br /> Who bears responsibility <br /> for whether the future is <br /> resources such as a budget; it is not <br /> a public relations plan to stimulate <br /> one of fate or one of good feelings. It is fundamentally a <br /> intent and leadership? process of dreaming, exploring and <br /> Everyone in a community, creating—a means to give shape <br /> especially its elected leaders, should and direction to a community's <br /> be concerned about its future thinking and view of itself so that <br /> because the citizens of the commu- human imagination and creativity <br /> nity will have to live some if not can increase the influence of the <br /> the rest, of their lives in the future future over the present as the basis <br /> they create. for understanding and action. <br /> The challenges, opportunities Once the dream is set, all the <br /> and uncertainties facing all corn- planning, budgeting and decision- <br /> munities are growing in number making tools have purpose and <br /> and complexity. They can create application. <br /> conflict, confusion, chaos and <br /> paralysis. Or, they can create the Why should a community <br /> potential for new horizons, tough participate? <br /> choices and exciting futures. They The visioning process gives a city <br /> can also help recapture a precious and the council a framework for <br /> treasure many neighborhoods, goal setting and establishing <br /> towns, cities and regions have priorities and setting policy. It "Everyone in a community, <br /> lost—a sense of community and involves citizens and helps the city especially its elected <br /> caring that binds people together understand what they want and leaders, should be <br /> in common purpose and identity; value. It provides an opportunity <br /> a new recognition of"we" and to reflect on a community's history concerned about its <br /> "we'll" as the basis for relating to and generate ideas for the future. future because the <br /> each other and the commitment to And, it offers a long-term perspec- <br /> get things done. tive for decision-making and citizens of the community <br /> Community visioning, or budgeting. Communities that have will have to live some, <br /> strategic planning, is about the seen community visioning as an <br /> future. It is a process by which adventure have reaped phenomenal if not the rest,of their lives <br /> people envision the community's breakthroughs in how people in the future they create." <br /> desired future and develop the come together and in the accom- <br /> courage to achieve it. Community plishments they achieve. <br /> visioning is the means by which a <br /> 0 community of people seek the Questions to consider <br /> future they desire and relate with Before embarking on a community <br /> each other, personally and corpo- visioning adventure, your city <br /> rately, to make that future happen. should consider several questions: <br /> AUGUST 1 9 9 8 MINNESOTA CITIES 5 <br />