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H R. U P D,`A, T"E. : <br /> 7 Satisfying Employees' Basic Communication Needs <br /> By Kristie Greve <br /> A. <br /> ccording to communication their work is perceived, they quickly but they are equally aware of what the <br /> consultant and author Roger move on to the third communication organization is telling its customers and <br /> D'Aprix, every employee has need: individual and team recognition. the community. <br /> five basic communication needs Do others know I'm doing a good job, <br /> that must be met before an <br /> How can I help? With conununica- <br /> and if so, how can I tell? tion needs met, employees ask the <br /> individual can commit fully to There are a number of employee ultimate question: How can I help? <br /> an organization. Much like recognition programs, running the Their energy and enthusiasm is directed <br /> Maslow's hierarchy of human gamut from simple to sophisticated, toward the organization and its goals. Is <br /> needs, these communication needs must that help fulfill this need. Service anni- it any wonder that dedication, commit- <br /> be met in ascending order. As the versary recognition, employee awards, ment, and enhanced productivity follow? <br /> communication need at each level is letters of commendation, certificates The concept of satisfying an employ- <br /> satisfied, the employee becomes of appreciation, a feature article in an ee's communication needs is fairly <br /> increasingly productive and committed employee newsletter, and even a basic. It's a common sense approach <br /> to the organization. department pizza party are all tangible that sounds easy to implement. Yet, <br /> What's my job?This is an employee's forms of recognition. the execution is often flawed. <br /> first, and most fundamental, question. What are we up to?At this juncture, First and foremost, when organiza- <br /> What are my job responsibilities? What an employee develops a healthy interest tion and jobs change, employees swiftly <br /> am I being asked to do? What is my in his or her broader work group—a revert back and must satisfy their most <br /> scope of authority and decision-making? department or a division of an organi- basic communication needs. A seasoned <br /> To whom do I report? zation. What are my department's company veteran, for example, may <br /> The employee's supervisor, working goals? What are our plans for the year? feel disenfranchised with the larger <br /> in close cooperation with the human And, how are we doing? Communica- organization, without recognizing that <br /> resources staff,best addresses this commu- tion needs at this level can be met in what he or she really needs is basic <br /> nication need.Job descriptions, one-on- many different ways, such as staff meet- clarity about a new job role, personal <br /> one meetings with a supervisor, orien- ings, large group meetings, department performance, or recognition. <br /> tation, and training also help provide newsletter, and reports. Whether in Second, employees can't leapfrog <br /> the answers. person, online, or in print, the employee over one of their communication <br /> How am I doing? Once employees needs access to the thinking and perspec- needs. If an organization, for example, <br /> understand their role and what's expected tive of department leaders, as well as fails to provide adequate recognition, <br /> of them, they are ready to move forward opportunities to ask questions, offer employees cannot skip to the next <br /> to the next communication need: suggestions, and interact. level. Even a highly visible program <br /> personal performance feedback. Am I How do we fit into the big picture? that describes a company's goals and <br /> doing the job right? Is my supervisor At the next critical level, an employee's objectives will fall on deaf ears if <br /> satisfied with my work? Should I be communication needs center around employees are wrestling with more <br /> doing more? the entire organization and how it fits fundamental communication needs. <br /> The supervisor, and sometimes into the community. This is a more Communication must be consistent, <br /> co-workers, are in the best position to global view. How does our department credible, and clear. Hit or miss programs <br /> satisfy this second communication , or division fit into the organization's won't sustain an employee's needs. In <br /> need. Performance feedback comes in overall goals and objectives? What is order to retain top employees, effective <br /> many forms. Often it can be informal— our vision and mission? What are our communications must be a value that <br /> a verbal pat on the back, kudos from a values? Who are our customers and the entire organization shares. r <br /> team member, or a supervisor's specific what are we trying to accomplish? <br /> feedback on a particular project. On a What is our plan for the future, and <br /> six-month or annual basis, a formal what part do we play? <br /> performance appraisal gives an employee Senior leadership best addresses this This article is reprinted with permission from <br /> a more comprehensive overview of his communication need. Employees satisfy the Nov-Dec 2000 issue of CFG Update. <br /> or her performance. their need for information in many Courtesy of CFG Insurance Incorporated. <br /> Does anyone care? Once employees ways. They are interested in what the Telephone: (952) 945-0200. Web site: <br /> understand their job and know how organization is telling them internally, <br /> JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2001 MINNESOTA CITIES 21 <br />