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Feb.8, 1983 BIKEWAYS 43- <br /> • XI. BIKEWAY PLANS PREPARED BY LOCAL 3. Plans shall include a legend showing conventional <br /> GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES signs and symbols used in the plans. <br /> Bikeway plans prepared by local governmental agencies B. TITLE SHEET shall include: <br /> for funding thru Mn/DOT programs will be processed by <br /> the State Aid Office and the Office of Environmental 1. Description Block <br /> Services. <br /> a. Type of work; bicycle route, bicycle lanes or <br /> Plans for projects within cities of over 5,000 population bicycle path. <br /> shall be prepared (or reviewed) and signed by the City <br /> Engineer (if the bikeway is on a county road, the plan shall b. Highway (CSAH or MSASH) number, or street <br /> also be signed by the County Engineer). For other areas name. <br /> plans shall be prepared (or reviewed) and signed by the <br /> County Engineer.Official Mn/DOT contact will be with the c. Project number. <br /> city or county engineer. Plans shall then be submitted to <br /> the appropriate Mn/DOT District State Aid Engineer and d. Geographic location of each project - name, <br /> thence to the Office of State Aid in St. Paul. distance and direction from intersecting highways or towns. <br /> Plans must be approved before award of contract to be e. Legal Description - land ties to extremities of each <br /> eligible for funding. project. <br /> An engineer's estimate shall be submitted with the f. Length of each project in feet and miles (indi- <br /> plans, consisting of a list of pay items, the unit price for cating gross length, bridge lengths, exceptions and net <br /> each item, the extension for each item and the grand total. lengths) carried to exact chained footage and to three <br /> decimal points in mileage. All bridges are considered ex- <br /> Projects involving Federal Aid shall follow the regular ceptions if previously constructed. <br /> federal aid programming sequence. <br /> 2. Index maps shall clearly portray the project location <br /> The purpose of a set of Construction Plans is to define- and shall include: <br /> ate the contemplated work with sufficient details of design, <br /> supplemented with tabulation of summary of quantities, a. Stationing and project number at beginning and <br /> in such a manner that it can be clearly interpreted by en- end of project. <br /> gineers and contractors. The originals serve as a permanent <br /> record of the project and must provide sufficient data b. Distance and direction to at least one incorporated <br /> to enable the contractor to make an intelligent bid and to municipality. <br /> perform the work as intended. Clarity and conciseness <br /> are essential so as to avoid misrepresentation. Unnecessary c. Bridge number, stationing and length in feet <br /> details should be avoided. and miles to each bridge. <br /> Plans shall be prepared in accordance with Mn/DOT d. Section,.township and range. <br /> Technical Manual sections 5-292.600, Mn/DOT State <br /> Aid Manual section 5-892.200 and the following: NOTE: If a scale is shown, use a bar graph that will <br /> change when plan size is changed by reduction processing. <br /> A. GENERAL <br /> 3. Index of Sheets. Title sheet shall be sheet number 1. <br /> 1. All projects shall have a State Aid Project Number, Sheets shall be numbered consecutively. <br /> this number may be obtained by calling the Office of <br /> State Aid. The project No. (e.g. S.A.P. 87-623-04)- 4. Specification Reference (latest edition of Mn/DOT <br /> shall be shown on the lower right hand corner of all plan Standard Specifications for Highway Construction). <br /> • <br /> sheets. <br /> 2. Plan size shall be 8-1/2" x 11", 11" x 17" or 22"x 5. Present and Projected (20 Year) Average Daily <br /> 34". (We do not have facilities for processing any other Traffic of roadway for Bicycle Route and Bicycle Lane <br /> ( P g Y projects. <br /> sized plans). Plans that are 11" x 17" or 22" x 34" shall <br /> be on translucent material capable of making clear ozalid 6. Standard Signature Block and Engineer's <br /> Do not use "Stick Up"on final plans. Block. gineer's Certification <br /> • <br />