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Feb. 8, 1983 BIKEWAYS -42_ <br /> methods may be found in the Mn/DOT "Standard Specifi- X. MAINTENANCE - • <br /> cation for Highway Construction", current edition sec- <br /> tions 1717, 1803, 2105 and 2575. Maintenance of a bicycle qty, after it has been <br /> constructed, is an important factor for the successful <br /> operation and usage of the facility by cyclists. Poor main- <br /> IX. VEGETATION CONTROL tenance resulting in the accumulation of sand, gravel, <br /> broken glass, branches, etc., on the facility or development <br /> Control of vegetation is generally considered to be of potholes, corrugations and other rough surface con- <br /> the responsibility of maintenance forces, however,in order ditions will cause cyclists to avoid the facility. The result <br /> to provide better control it should also be considered may be that the facility becomes a liability rather than <br /> during design and construction. an asset to the controlling agency. Therefore, the respon- <br /> sibility for maintenance of the facility must be established <br /> The following are examples of vegetation control prior to construction. Normally, if the facility is located <br /> methods which may be provided for or carried out during on the highway shoulder the maintenance of the facility <br /> the design and construction of bikeways. will be the responsibility of appropriate highway agency. <br /> If the facility is separated from the roadway the main- <br /> 1. Placement of a general herbicide (such as Urox tenance of the facility will be the responsibility of the <br /> Liquid or Oxy Monobor-Chlorate) under asialt paving, appropriate local or other governmental agency. <br /> These herbicides will prevent vegetative growth from pene- <br /> trating the asphalt paving for a number of years. It is quite Although the designer is not responsible for mainten- <br /> common for thin bituminous surfaces with shallow sub- ance, there are a number of factors that can be incor- <br /> surface treatment, such as walking trails, to be ruined porated into the design which will facilitate the necessary <br /> by vegetation, maintenance operations. The following is a partial check- <br /> list of items to be considered during design: <br /> 2. Requiring the contractor to control noxious weeds <br /> during construction. The following nine weeds have been 1. Is the facility of sufficient width (especially off <br /> designated noxious weeds on a state wide basis. road bikeways) to accommodate maintenance vehicles? • <br /> Canada Thistle Sow Thistle 2. Is the structure thickness of the facility adequate to <br /> Bull Thistle Musk Thistle support maintenance or emergency vehicles? <br /> Plumeless Thistle Wild Hemp <br /> Poison Ivy Leafy Spurge 3. Has access to the facility for maintenance or emer- <br /> Field Bindweed gency vehicles been provided (especially on off-road bike- <br /> ways)? <br /> The Agricultural Weed Law of Minnesota requires <br /> the control of at least these nine weeds. In the prepara- 4. Has sufficient clearing or grubbing been provided for <br /> lion of plans and provisions for the construction of bike- adequate sight distance and horizontal and vertical clear- <br /> ways the responsibility for control of these noxious weeds ances? <br /> during construction can be delegated to the contractor. <br /> 5. Have adequate cross slopes, drainage structures and <br /> 3. Selective vegetation removal should be required in ditches been provided to insure good drainage? <br /> order to remove low hanging branches and other vege- <br /> tative growth which has encroached onto the bikeway. 6. Are designed plantings in locations that will not <br /> These encroachments may reduce the cyclist's sight dis- become a hazard or create sight distance problems in the <br /> tance and can cause personal injury to the cyclist. future. <br /> 7. Have "maintainable" side slopes been planned? <br /> • <br /> 8. Have driveways and intersecting roadways been paved <br /> beyond the bikeway (10 feet or more) to minimize <br /> amounts of gravel and dirt dropped on the bikeway by <br /> by crossing motor vehicles? <br /> The above checklist is not a complete list but does <br /> give some of the items to be considered during the design Ali <br /> stage. The designer may wish to contact maintenance per-MIII for additional items. <br /> • <br />