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Feb. 8, 1983 BIKEWAYS -21- <br /> • 1. On road The structural section of an off-road bikeway should <br /> be designed in the same manner as a highway, with con- <br /> Bicycle travel shall be in the same direction as sideration given to the quality of the subsoil and the <br /> adjacent motor vehicle traffic in compliance with the anticipated loads the bikeway will experience. Principal <br /> uniform vehicle code. A minimum width and lateral loads will normally be from maintenance and emergency <br /> clearance will depend on the location of the lane within the vehicles. These vehicles should be restricted to less than 4 <br /> roadway and parking conditions.The bikeway design tables or 5 ton axle loads, especially in the spring. <br /> provide widths for various roadway conditions. The gutter <br /> section of a curb and gutter should normally not be con- Bituminous surfacing is recommended. Figure F <br /> sidered as a part of the bicycle lane since the joint between provides typical surfacing designs for full depth bitumin• <br /> the gutter and roadway surface can be very hazardous to a ous and aggregate base sections. <br /> cyclist. <br /> 2. Off-road Bikeways FULL DEPTH <br /> 2" to 6" 1 <br /> The cross section of an off-road bikeway can be :;.....:::..::...:.:.:..:;:•:•:•; <br /> determined from the widths and clearances presented. �:;`��••`�:�`.Fi;2;'}:�ti `\+ \`�: <br /> The minimum widths based on the number of lanes are _.* ��•. �- <br /> as follows: <br /> Number of Minimum Paved Width AGGREGATE BASE <br /> Lanes feet <br /> 1-1/2,, : 3 :;: <br /> 1 4.0 —�— .................•.• <br /> 2 8.0 3" to7" 4 <br /> In addition, a minimum two foot graded area on each side i r�:ti'' "' '`', •�' ' <br /> • of the bikeway should be provided adjacent to the paved "�'�^ ` ,{�r 'j; <br /> surface. See Figure E on page 4. It should be emphasized • �-� <br /> that the minimum width and clearances are for bicycle <br /> needs and are not sufficient to accommodate maintenance 1. Spec. 2331 Wearing Course (Full Depth) <br /> and emergency vehicles (pickups, mowers, ambulances, 2. Compacted Subgrade <br /> etc.). Accordingly, the minimums may have to be adjusted, 3. Spec. 2331 Wearing Course <br /> as necessary, to provide for these considerations. In ad- <br /> dition to the widths provided above, additional widths 4. Class 5 Aggregate Base <br /> should be provided for sharp curves and where steeper 5. Compacted Subgrade <br /> grades are necessary. On steep grades, additional width is <br /> necessary due to increased speed and needed room for <br /> FIGURE F <br /> maneuverability. On sharp curves, less than 100 foot radius, <br /> additional width may be needed due to bicycle lean. The TYPICAL OFF-ROAD DESIGN SECTIONS <br /> following values are recommended for widening: <br /> • <br /> Radius Additional Paved Width The lighter sections should be used only in granular <br /> feet feet subsoils. <br /> 0-25 4 – Topsoils and other organic soils should be removed. <br /> 25-50 3 <br /> 50-75 2 -- A 1 foot subcut should be provided for uniformity <br /> 75-100 1 <br /> 100+ 0 and compaction. <br /> } – Granular subgrades may require a minimum 1 inch. <br /> G. STRUCTURAL SECTION Class 1 stabilizing aggregate, especially in the full depth <br /> • bituminous section. <br /> For bike routes and lanes the inplace surfaced struc- – Consideration should be given to increasing the asphalt <br /> •ture is normally adequate. When a roadway with unpaved content by 1 to 2% to provide increased pavement life. <br /> shoulder is to be surfaced for a bike lane, standard Mn/DOT <br /> shoulder designs should be specified. Subgrade and surfacing recommendation should be <br /> requested from a Materials or Soils Engineer. <br />