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Heritage Preservation Commission Meeting <br /> Elk River City Hall <br /> March 20,2014 <br /> Chair Fox suggested discussing this further at the subcommittee meeting. <br /> 8.4 The AASLH Annual Meeting <br /> Mr. Carlton stated that the scholarship for attendance to the AASLH annual meeting <br /> can fund up to two attendees. One attendee should be staff, and he asked for a <br /> member of the Commission that would be interested in attending. <br /> Commissioner Mortensen said she is interested in attending. Mr. Carlton will include <br /> Commissioner Mortensen on the scholarship application. <br /> 8.5 Comprehensive Plan Update <br /> Mr. Leeseberg gave an update on the comprehensive plan,major changes from the <br /> 2004 plan, and the review process. He encouraged Commission members to read <br /> through the plan and provide comments to staff at their April 17, 2014,meeting. <br /> Commissioner Rohlf asked about the development reserve district. He is concerned <br /> about what will happen if the underlying land use in the mining area is removed and <br /> changed to development reserve.This may prove to be a challenge down the road. <br /> 7. Adjournment <br /> There being no further business, Chair Fox adjourned the meeting of the Elk River <br /> Heritage Preservation Commission at 6:52 p.m. <br /> Tina Allard <br /> City Clerk <br /> Chair Fox <br /> Heritage Preservation Commission Chair <br />