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ANNUAL SERVICE QUALITY PERFORMANCE REPORT <br /> Reference: Minnesota Rules, part 7826.1 300 <br /> Elk River Municipal Utilities will file an annual service quality performance report with <br /> the local governing body. The report shall include at least the following information: <br /> 1. Reporting Meter-Reading Performance <br /> Reference: Minnesota Rules, part 7826.1400 <br /> A detailed report on the utility's meter-reading performance, including, for each <br /> customer class and for each calendar month: <br /> A. The number and percentage of customer meters read by utility personnel <br /> B. The number and percentage of customer meters self-read by customers <br /> C. The number and percentage of customer meters that have not been read by <br /> utility personnel for periods of six to 12 months and for periods of longer <br /> than 12 months, and an explanation as to why they have not been read <br /> D. Data on monthly meter-reading staffing levels <br /> 2. Reporting Involuntary Disconnections <br /> Reference: Minnesota Rules, part 7826.1500 <br /> A detailed report on involuntary disconnections of service, including,for each customer <br /> class and each calendar month: <br /> A. The number of customers who received disconnection notices <br /> B. The number of customers who sought cold weather rule protection under <br /> chapter 7820 and the number who were granted cold weather rule <br /> protection <br /> C. The total number of customers whose service was disconnected <br /> involuntarily and the number of these customers restored to service within <br /> 24 hours <br /> D. The number of disconnected customers restored to service by entering into <br /> a payment plan. <br /> 3. Reporting Service Extension Request Response Times <br /> Reference: Minnesota Rules, part 7826.1600 <br /> A report on service extension request response times, including,for each customer class <br /> and each calendar month: <br /> A. The number of customers requesting service to a location not previously <br /> served by the utility and the intervals between the date service was <br /> installed and the later of the in-service date requested by the customer or <br /> the date the premises were ready for service. <br />