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ANNUAL RELIABILITY PERFORMANCE REPORT <br /> Reference: Minnesota Rules, part 7826.0500 <br /> Elk River Municipal Utilities will submit a report of its reliability performance report to <br /> its local governing body annually. The report shall include at least the following <br /> information: <br /> A.) the utility's System Average Interruption Duration Index or"SAIDI" for <br /> the calendar year. SAIDI means the average customer-minutes of <br /> interruption per customer. It is determined by dividing the annual sum of <br /> customer-minutes of interruption by the average number of customers <br /> served during the year. <br /> B.) the utility's System Average Interruption Frequency Index or"SAIFI". <br /> SAIFI means the average number of interruptions per customer per year. <br /> It is determined by dividing the total annual number of customer <br /> interruptions by the average number of customers served during the year. <br /> C.) the utility's Customer Average Interruption Duration Index or"CAIDI" <br /> for the calendar year. CAIDI means the average customer-minutes of <br /> interruption per customer interruption. It approximates the average length <br /> of time required to complete service restoration. It is determined by <br /> dividing the annual sum of all customer-minutes of interruption durations <br /> by the annual number of customer interruptions. <br /> D.) Elk River Municipal Utilities will note in its report unusual events, such as <br /> severe storms. <br /> E.) Elk River Municipal Utilities will adopt an action plan, sought by its local <br /> governing body, for remedying any failure to comply with its own locally- <br /> set reliability standards. The local governing body shall set reliability <br /> performance standards in the form of numerical values for the SAIDI, <br /> SAIFI, and CAIDI. These standards will be filed with this report and will <br /> remain in effect until new standards are filed or if changes are made in <br /> another proceeding. <br /> F.) Elk River Municipal Utilities will track each interruption of a bulk power <br /> supply facility that impacts the local distribution system during the <br /> calendar year. Elk River Municipal Utilities will compile SAIDI, SAIFI <br /> and CAIDI indices including interruptions of bulk power supply, and a <br /> separate SAIDI, SAIFI and CAIDI report on interruptions due solely to <br /> local distribution system causes. <br /> G.) Elk River Municipal Utilities will diligently attempt to obtain detailed <br /> explanations from bulk power suppliers (generation and transmission <br /> companies) in regards to bulk supply interruptions and steps that have <br /> been taken or will be taken to prevent future interruption. <br />