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A RETIREMENT PLAN is another basic. A traditional de- Managing Time Off <br /> fined-benefit pension is a great retention tool but is Vacations and other days off can be handled in many <br /> becoming too expensive for many employers. Most different ways. Some companies are choosing to allot <br /> are shifting to cheaper defined-contribution plans their days off in one lump, making no distinction as <br /> such as 401(k)s. Others transform pensions into hy- to how much is vacation and how much is sick leave. <br /> brids,known as cash-balance plans, although such Most of them reduce the combined amount of time. <br /> switchovers can put longtime employees at a disad- But some keep it the same.This type of plan helps <br /> vantage. So many companies let those workers stick reduce abuse of sick leave and rewards conscientious <br /> with their old plans. workers. <br /> Other companies allow employees to opt for <br /> Going Beyond Basics extra paid leave in exchange for cutting back on other <br /> Although health care and retirement programs are benefits, such as reduced life insurance policies. <br /> fundamentals, good workers seeking stability are look- <br /> ing for more. Other Options <br /> Employers bidding for workers in a tight labor market <br /> A SAFE, PLEASANT WORKPLACE is high on their list of can get the edge by offering an array of little things <br /> expectations. It often means as that make life easier for time- <br /> much as good pay, especially if A traditional pressed employees, often at lit- <br /> ways to balance work and home tie cost. <br /> responsibilities are included. defined-benefit Examples include buying <br /> Flexible work schedules are a club memberships and offering <br /> hit with more workers, in the pension is a great group discounts from mer- <br /> form of flextime, a compressed chants,such as insurance and fi- <br /> four-day workweek, job sharing retention tool but nancial planning services, free <br /> or telecommuting.The key is to beverages and free Internet ac- <br /> help employees cope with per- is becoming too cess at home for personal as <br /> sonal demands and do a good job. well as business use. <br /> expensive for many Education and training pro- <br /> CAFETERIA PLANS can be a good grams build loyalty and improve <br />• way to please the largest number employers. productivity. Community col- <br /> of employees. Workers get to leges can be a great resource. <br /> pick and choose from a buffet of benefits, provided More of them are offering courses tailored to a firm's <br /> the total cost of the benefits they select doesn't ex- needs. Another option is scholarship referral services. <br /> ceed a specific maximum set by the company. Stock options may have lost some of their allure, <br /> Such plans can help satisfy both younger and but bonuses have not. During competitive times <br /> older workers. For the young, membership in a health when profits are slim,many firms use cash bonuses in <br /> or fitness center may mean more than contributions lieu of pay raises to reward and retain top talent. <br /> toward retirement. Older workers might skip other Show employees all that the company does for <br /> benefits to get a health insurance plan that has lower them. Some businesses provide employees with an <br /> copayments and deductibles. annual statement listing all fringe benefits and show- <br />. <br /> Helping with day care arrangements pays off with ing the total cost of compensation. It's an especially <br /> young parents. Some large firms have on-site day care effective way for firms with generous fringe packages <br /> facilities. Smalls are teaming up with other smalls to to show they provide more than paychecks. <br /> share costs. The federal government started to help <br /> in 2002 with a tax credit of up to $150,000 per year Remembering the Intangibles <br /> for firms operating a center. Most workers are not driven by money and benefits <br /> Other workers appreciate help with elder care— alone. They want to feel connected to the place <br /> for example, offering baby boomers the option of where they work and to be respected. Finding sincere <br /> purchasing long-term-care insurance for their aging ways to say"thank you"for a good job goes a long way <br /> parents and also for themselves. toward building a loyal and productive workforce. <br /> 20 I The Kiplinger Letter • <br />