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more, sizable individual retirement accounts,401(k) Tapping a More Diverse Market <br /> plans and portfolios. Another major force reshaping consumer markets is <br /> Thus, many seniors have the money to pay for the nation's surging ethnic and racial diversity. <br /> fun and comfort. That will spark more spending on HISPANICS AND ASIANS lead the trend. Hispanics al- <br /> leisure activities of all kinds, from hobbies and enter- ready are the nation's largest minority group, surpass- <br /> tainment to travel and books. Thanks to improved ing blacks. Hispanics will account for more than 45% <br /> medical care, many seniors stay physically active for of our population growth from now to 2010. And by <br /> years longer than their parents did. Average life ex- 2020, the Hispanic population is likely to double. <br /> pectancy in the U.S. continues to expand and is now Our Asian population is expected to more than <br /> at a record high of just over 77 years. double in the next 20 years. In actual numbers,the <br /> Seniors will also spend on necessities such as gain for Asians is going to be much less than that for <br /> health care, assisted living and nursing homes. And Hispanics because it starts from a much lower base. <br /> on services they used to provide <br /> for themselves, such as lawn In a few years, MARKETING STRATEGIES should <br /> care, minor auto maintenance be adjusted to take into account <br /> and household repairs. demand will increase these growing ethnic communi- <br /> ties. <br /> The Echo Boomers for children's clothes, The most successful adver- <br /> By 2010, there'll be about 4 mil- tising campaigns will be tailored <br /> lion more people aged 18-24 toys, day care and to address their desires. Busi- <br /> than there are now—the so- nesses will profit from carefully <br /> called echo boomers.As a group, all the many other researching ethnic tastes and <br /> they are well educated and tech preferences and then catering to <br /> savvy, with good prospects for things that infants them. <br /> high earnings. Future efforts are sure to in- <br /> Echo boomers are at the and toddlers require. dude more-targeted marketing, <br /> prime age for buying cars and notably in communities rich <br /> home electronics. Many travel extensively.As they with newly arrived immigrants. Special appeals to <br /> push into their late 20s, they'll buy starter homes and Hispanics,Asians and other niche markets will be- <br />- furnishings. come more subtle over time as ethnic identities fade <br /> with succeeding generations. <br /> MORE MARRIAGES are coming over the next 10 to 15 <br /> years as the population of 20-to 34-year-olds increas- New Households <br /> es. Bridal shops, florists,photographers and other Changes in U.S.households also affect markets, from <br /> wedding-related businesses can count on more cus- their number to their size and makeup. All affect fu- <br /> tomers. ture consumer demands and preferences. <br /> AND MORE BABIES. The number of births in the U.S. SMALLER HOUSEHOLDS are a trend that marketers <br /> was declining until 2000. Now it is on the rise again must take into account for the future. More house- <br /> and by 2008, the number of babies born is going to holds will be composed of singles living alone,widows <br /> surpass the old record of 4.3 million during the peak and widowers and couples with no children.They <br /> of the baby boom. want the convenience of smaller packages for every- <br /> By 2020,births are likely to reach 5 million per thing from food for one to cleaning supplies for easier <br /> year, thanks to the echo boomers and immigrants storage in tight spaces. <br /> who came to the U.S. as children in the 1980s. Household formations will grow slowly in the <br /> So despite the aging of the population in general, next decade or so as a result of the fairly stable num- <br /> look for the baby-related market to grow again—a fact ber of births in the 1980s. Close to 10 million house- <br /> that is often missed. In a few years, demand will in- holds are likely to be added by 2010—meaning more <br /> crease for children's clothes, toys,day care and all the people needing a place to live, furniture,appliances <br /> many other things that infants and toddlers require. and all that goes with having separate space. <br /> 16 I The Kiplinger Letter • <br />