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spections of company books. And it won't be just the Legislation being sought by Bush to curb power <br /> Fortune 500 firms that get a going-over. Mutual funds plant emissions of nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide <br /> and financial advisers will also be watched in 2004 will go nowhere in Congress in 2004 because of <br /> and more brokers are likely to face penalties. Also, the strong opposition from opponents who say the plan is <br /> SEC is going to implement new operating rules, pro- too weak. Industries that would be affected by the <br /> posed by the major U.S. stock exchanges, requiring plan are also split over details in the proposal. <br /> listed companies to have more independent directors Dubbed"Clear Skies," the Bush plan would let <br /> on their boards of directors, firms that exceeded pollution- <br /> tougher auditing procedures and a Unsolicited e-mail reduction goals sell their ex- <br /> more active role for stockholders. cess reduction to companies <br /> FASB is planning to flex its is going to be slammed that did not meet their own <br /> regulatory muscles in 2004 by ap- targets. EPA will seek a similar <br /> proving rules requiring public by Congress, which pollution credit scheme to re- <br /> companies to take fuller account duce mercury emissions from <br /> of employee stock options as an will prohibit deceptive fossil fuel power plants. <br /> expense. Firms will have some lee- <br /> way in placing a value on options, practices by e-mailers. DRINKING WATER regulations <br /> but they won't be able to bury po- from the EPA will include <br /> tentially costly option obligations as a footnote in an- tighter rules on disinfectants and for water treatment <br /> nual reports to stockholders. plants that use groundwater. <br /> Also likely from FASB next year: new rules on cal- <br /> culating the liabilities of cash-balance retirement TRUCKING companies will have to let drivers have at <br /> plans. The changes are going to increase the cost of least 10 hours of rest per day starting in 2004, up <br /> such plans by 20% or more. from eight hours. And the number of hours a driver <br /> can be kept on duty will drop to 14 from 15 for any <br /> ERGONOMICS rules proposed by President Clinton are 24-hour period. The new rules, which are designed to <br /> being scrapped by President Bush and replaced by reduce truck accidents, are expected to add$1.3 bil- <br /> voluntary guidelines from the Department of Labor. lion to the nation's shipping costs each year. <br /> POLLUTION regulations are under review at various BABY BELLS will get relief from discounts they are re- <br /> agencies and are likely to see some streamlining to quired to give new competitors that use their net- <br /> speed airport and highway construction and shorten works. The Federal Communications Commission is <br /> the time it takes to make decisions on the use of fed- going to phase out the discounts as markets become <br /> eral lands for grazing livestock and other purposes. more competitive. <br /> A recent easing of EPA rules makes it possible for <br /> the operators of power plants, refineries and factories OVERTIME PAY rules will be revised in 2004. The De- <br /> to repair and overhaul equipment without being sub- partment of Labor will make managers earning$425 <br /> ject to the same clean air reviews required for new a week or less eligible for overtime. That's up from a <br /> plant construction. That saves them from having to cutoff of$155 a week. But some workers making <br /> spend millions of dollars on new pollution control more than $65,000 a year or with only occasional su- <br /> equipment for the parts of their facilities that are not pervisory duties will lose overtime eligibility. <br /> being renovated. <br /> But states face a 2010 deadline set by federal reg- UNSOLICITED E-MAIL is set to be slammed by Congress, <br /> ulations to reduce smog and soot in the air. State and which will prohibit deceptive practices by e-mailers. <br /> local governments are having to implement tougher, But don't look for a national"do not spam"list. Regu- <br /> more-costly cleanup rules. lators say that such a list would be impractical. <br /> Diesel fuel will have to contain less sulfur, and <br /> nonroad engines will be subject to phased-in pollu- FOOD SAFETY regulations will establish a livestock- <br /> tion rules aimed at cutting emissions. The regulations tracking system to quickly stop the spread of disease <br /> affect tractors, generators, pumps and the like. from contaminated meat. <br /> WHAT'S AHEAD FOR 2004 I 11 <br />
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