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The west-east Michigan 345 kV paths then discon- been flowing along that path immediately reverse <br /> nected at 4:10:37, leaving eastern Michigan con- direction and began flowing in a giant loop coon <br /> nected by only a circuitous path around northern terclockwise from Pennsylvania to New York • <br /> Michigan that disconnected one second later, and Ontario and into Michigan. <br /> the connections to Ontario and northern Ohio. <br /> Investigators are still studying the power flows that What happened in Pennsylvania, New Yor4 <br /> resulted. Ontario,Quebec,and Maritimes areas. <br /> At 4:10:38, the Midland Cogeneration Venture 4:10:40 -4:10:44 PM—Four transmission lines dis <br /> (MCV), loaded to 1265 MW, tripped off line. connect between Pennsylvania and New York <br /> F • 4:10:40—Homer City-Watercure Roa d 345 kV <br /> The MCV generation trip imposed heavier flows on • 4:10:40—Homer City-Smile Road 345 kV <br />• the remaining transmission system, and left eastern • 4:10:41 —South Ripley-Dunkirk 230 kV <br /> Michigan and nor^ern Ohio with very depressed • 4:10:44 —East Towanda-Hillside 230 kV <br /> voltages. The remain-L-1g transmission paths into the Responding to the surge of energy flowing north ou <br /> Detroit area from the northwest separated. of Pennsylvania through New York and Ontari, <br /> into Michigan, these four lines disconnected withc <br /> At 4:10:38, the Perry-Ashtabula-Erie West 345 kV four seconds of one another and separate <br /> transmission line tripped, severing the path into the Pennsylvania from New York. <br /> northern Ohio area from Pennsylvania along the <br /> southern shore of Lake Erie. At this point, the northern part of the Easter <br /> Interconnection (which still included the rapidl <br /> The MCV generation trip imposed heavier flows on dwindling load in eastern Michigan and norther <br /> the remaining transmission system, and left eastern Ohio) remained connected to the rest of th <br /> Michigan and northern Ohio with very depressed Interconnection at only two locations: 1) in the eat_ <br /> voltages. The remaining transmission paths into the through the ties between New York and Net <br /> Detroit area from the northwest separated. Jersey, and 2) in the west through the 230 kV tram <br /> mission line between Ontario, Manitoba, r <br /> At 4:10:38, the Perry-Ashtabula-Erie West 345 kV Minnesota. <br /> transmission line tripped, severing the path into the <br /> northern Ohio area from Pennsylvania along the Heavy power flows were moving northward ow <br /> southern shore of Lake Erie. the New York-New Jersey ties. <br /> Summary of the Situation at 4:10:38 4:10:41 PM — Transmission line disconnects an <br /> When the Perry-Ashtabula-Erie West 345 kV generation trips in northern Ohio <br /> transmission line disconnected at 4:10:38, the entire • Fostoria Central-Galion 345 kV <br /> eastern Michigan and northern Ohio load centers • Perry 1 nuclear unit (rated 1252 MW) <br /> had little generation left available to them and the •Avon Lake 9 unit (rated 616 MW) • <br /> voltage was declining.The only connection between •Beaver-Davis Besse 345 kV <br /> those load centers and the rest of the Eastern <br /> Interconnection was at the interface between the The Fostoria Central-Galion line forms part of di <br /> Michigan and Ontario systems. Also, the frequency pathway from central to northern Ohio. That pat <br /> was declining in northern Ohio in those areas that was already blocked by the combination of di <br /> had separated from the Interconnection. Galion-Muskingum-Ohio Central line disconnec <br /> When the transmission lines along the southern ing at 4:08:58, and the East Lima-Fostoria Centre <br /> shore of Lake Erie disconnected, the power that had line disconnecting at 4:09:06. <br /> • <br /> I 11 l I ' I ,111,1..I _.... <br /> • <br /> • <br />