Laserfiche WebLink
Project Location <br /> Anticipated Project Cost <br /> Expected or known results(ex.Measurements of air emissions, <br /> reduced water usage,energy consumption reduction,etc.) <br /> How will you prove your measurements? <br /> Anticipated benefits of the project(for whom)? <br /> How can this project help Elk River achieve its vision of being the <br /> most energy responsible city in Minnesota? <br /> Target market or audience for product or service? What is the plan to market and <br /> demonstrate the project? <br /> Contact Person to implement and <br /> promote the service or project(if not <br /> the person listed as contact above): <Contact Person> <br /> As a representative for the company/organization(s)listed above,I am authorized to <br /> give permission to Elk River Energy City to use project information or publicize the <br /> project as an Energy City Demonstration Site: <br /> Approved by: <Approver> <br /> Title: <Title> <br /> Date Approved: <mm/dd/yyyy> <br />