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Case File: P12-02 Natures Edge Business Park <br />Page 5 Preliminary Plat <br />Street Trees - No street trees are proposed, in part because much of the grades along the roads are <br />not finalized. Staff recommends that trees be planted adjacent to the trail along Twin Lakes Road at <br />a rate of one tree per 40 feet. This would add approximately 34 trees. <br />Previous Plat <br />The subject parcel was once the subject of the Gateway Plat. Gateway was platted prior to completion of <br />the FAST study, which suggested the road alignments now being adopted. With the changes to the road <br />and lot alignments, some of the existing easements will need to be vacated. This will be accomplished by <br />a public hearing in July. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />^ Location Map <br />^ Plat drawings dated April 11, 2012 <br />ACtloll ~Sotion by Second by Vote <br />Follow Up <br />N:\Departments\Community Development\Planning\Case Files\Plat\P 12-02 Elk River EDA-Natures Edge\Pi2-2 Naters Edge Business Center <br />SR to PC <br />