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5. EDSR 06-11-2012
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5. EDSR 06-11-2012
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7/20/2012 11:28:10 AM
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6/8/2012 8:40:18 AM
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Case File: P12-02 <br />Page 4 <br />Natural Resources <br />Natures Edge Business Park <br />Preliminary Plat <br />As part of the development of the parcel, an Alternative Urban Area-wide Review (AUAR) was <br />conducted. This was completed in 2011, and indicated that the current systems (traffic, sanitary, water) <br />could handle the expected increases of development of the city property. <br />Wetlands -The northern portion of the platted area includes a number of wetlands. Wetland <br />impacts were kept to a minimum, though some impact is proposed, primarily via the extension of <br />Twin Lakes Road. <br />Lot 1, Block 1 is heavily encumbered by the wetland; this drastically reduces the buildable area of the <br />lot. <br />Wetlands are intended to bean asset for the job growth in the area, as employers frequently seek <br />locations where the outdoor amenities are an important factor. Staff is recommending an easement <br />for future trail connections alongside the wetlands (within the established wetland setback areas) so <br />that the wetland feature could be used as an asset as envisioned by the FAST study. <br />Parks <br />Park Plan -The Comprehensive Park Plan does not indicate any park target area nor trail corridor in <br />the wider area. <br />Park and Recreation Commission Recommendation -Given. the Comprehensive Park Plan, staff is <br />recommending that the Parks and Recreation Commission support park dedication be paid in the <br />form cash for the three lots at the rate applicable at the time of final plat approval (currently <br />$2,485.00 per acre x 19.12 acres = $47,513.20). <br />Transportation/ Circulation. <br />Streets -New streets in the plat include a new 170`'' Lane and the. extension of Twin. Lakes Road.. In <br />the future, additional local streets will be included, including a future connection to 165`" Ave via <br />Cargill property. <br />170' will terminate in temporary cul-de-sacs on the east and west ends. The western leg of 170`" <br />Lane will eventually loop to the north, and intersect with 1715Y Avenue. <br />Trails - A trail is located on the east side of Twin Lakes. <br />Landscaping <br />Due to grading and the future extension of Twin Lakes Road, about 1.6 acres of existing trees in the <br />northeast corner of the site will be removed. <br />Buffer - No buffers are proposed. <br />Lot Trees -Upon the development of the lots, the property owner would comply with lot <br />landscaping requirements. <br />N:\Departments\Community Development\Planning\Case Files\Plat\P 12-02 Elk River EDA-Natures Edge\P12-2 Naters Edge Business Center <br />SR to PC 6-12-12.docx <br />
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