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Economic Development Authority Minutes <br />May 14, 2012 <br />Page 2 <br />Mr. Wilfahrt presented the staff report regarding donation requests to the EDA. He <br />outlined three options the EDA should consider when deciding on whether or not to adopt <br />a donation policy: <br />1) The first option is to maintain the status quo and discuss donation requests on a case- <br />by-case basis. Some challenges of this procedure include lack of flexibility in offering <br />donations if funds aren't budgeted; the number of requests coming in are unknown; <br />Authority to feel vulnerable to emotional appeal. <br />2) The second option is to adopt a no-donation policy. Requests would be sidestepped and <br />the EDA would focus funding on other EDA initiatives. The budget and timeframe <br />issues would be resolved. However, a donation may create an economic benefit to the <br />community and conflict with the intent of the Authority. <br />3) The third option would be to adopt a donation policy that requires an application and <br />clear deadline that at a minimum meets the state statutory guidelines. The EDA would <br />then discuss and approve all donation requests for the remainder of the year. This policy <br />allows for funding and a fair deliberative process. <br />Commissioner Dwyer stated he still felt there be no donation policy in place based upon the <br />recommendations of the city attorney. <br />Mr. Wilfahrt stated the city attorney did not have any preference with these three options <br />but any policy in place should be clearly worded and followed consistently. <br />President Tveite stated he would like to see donation requests considered on a case-by-case <br />basis and determine if these events have an intrinsic value and merit for the business <br />community. <br />Commissioner Zerwas agreed, and requested the Authority continue handling requests as <br />they had been and continuing to consider the economic impact of the individual request. He <br />didn't feel a deadline should be required to make a donation request. <br />Commissioner Motin felt no policy should be in place but felt an application deadline would <br />work best, allowing the Authority to take time in considering each request on a case-by-case <br />basis with advance notice so the Authority can make a thoughtful decision. He felt that all <br />requests must be presented to the Authority three months ahead of time. <br />Commissioner Provo stated perhaps the donation amount should be based on what you <br />have coming in, not what the needs are of others. Commissioner Provo stated the EDA <br />should grant money on anon-biased basis. <br />Commissioner Westgaard agreed with not having a polity, and rather, on an individual basis, <br />evaluate each request on its own merits. A deadline would be nice to allow for budgeting, <br />but sometimes these requests and events don't correlate with the budget process also. In <br />favor of case-by-case basis. <br />Commissioner Dwyer agreed that the EDA does more than business and industrial <br />recruiting and that some events bring people and economic impact to the community. <br />Commissioner Provo asked if there was a specific amount earmarked for donation requests. <br />