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Work with all entities involved in the DWSMA on land use issues. <br /> As Needed <br />Meet with Ells River Planning and Zoning to incorporate the map in the city <br />land use and incorporate the WHP Plan into the city Comprehensive Plan <br /> k <br />Have Well #5 sampled for stable isotopes of oxygen (180) and deuterium <br />(2H) and several general chemistry parameters on water produced [o assess <br />the degree to which swface waters may be contributing to the well. Have <br />MDH staff and MDH hydro geologist assist in the collection and evaluation K <br />of the sampling of swface waters up-gradient of Well #5 as needed. Apply <br />for a SWP grant to help pay associated costs. Contact MDH as to availability <br />of ant Pro ams <br />Evaluate reasons for younger water being produced at Well #5. Evaluate the <br />downward groundwater leakage from shallower aquifers and overlying <br />surface bodies into the Mount Simon-Hinckley aquifer. ~ <br />Implement areaswes that are specified in the IWMZ PCSI report <br /> Annually <br />Monitor and maintain the 200 ft. radius around the wells to enswe that <br />setback distances for new potential contamination sowces are met. <br /> Annually <br />Assist MDH staff in updating the IWMZ inventory for the public water <br />supply wells. Contact yow MDH Planner if changes to the locations or <br />construction of potential contaminant sowces aze proposed in the IWMZ. ~ <br />Develop policies and procedwes for an Emergency Water Plan dealing with <br />derailment as to the proxvnity of the Railroad and Hwy # 10 to Wells # 1 and <br />Well #2 K <br />Document all wells that have been sealed by keeping track of the property <br />owners name, address and pazcel number of the well location, and share with <br />Sherburne County. If possible, request a well sealing log from the property As Needed <br />owner or well driller who sealed the well. <br />Prepare an assessment of WHP plan implementation efforts every 2 'h yeazs. ~. <br />Request assistance from MDH Planner and MRWA. <br /> b sR b <br />IX <br />