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In the next two years, create and present a mobile display for agencies around <br />the DWSMA in order to educate the public visually. Example locations: <br />YMCA, City Library, Ells River Municipal Unities and City offices, Senior ~ {~ <br />Activity Center. <br />In the next year, we will take footage of a local well sealing and create a <br />video presentation to display on ERMU websi[e, You Tube, Face book etc... <br />This will show the importance of well maintenance and well sealing cost- k <br />share availability <br />Keep local city channel (Channel 12) ERT V l2 well and water footage up to <br />date with any changes in DWSMA azea. Currently demonstrate: Water <br />system incite, water meter change outs details, wellhead protection x ye <br />importance, water conservation/SMART irrigation information, etc. <br />Annually mail Consumer Confidence Reports so citizens aze aware of the <br />water quality <br />Annually <br />Contact Sherbume County annually to see what monies are available through <br />the county for education and well sealing Annually <br />Present Kids themed information on WHP/water conservation for Earth Day <br />school visit and other kid activity days with schools, girl scouts, boys scouts, <br />home school kids. Attempt to gain additional audiences each year to reach a Annually <br />vaziable age range <br />There aze known wells on the PCSI inventory without complete data fields. <br />ERMU staff will continue to gather property owner's names, addresses, <br />parcel identification numbers, status of wells or other applicable information ~ <br />on the wells m order to complete the PCSI <br />The ERMU will apply for grant funds to help seal unused wells located in the <br />DWSMA. If they are successful they will use the money to seal the wells. If <br />unsuccessful they will work cooperatively with the local units of government M M <br />to provide as much cost shaze as possible to help seal wells <br />ERMU will seek funding to further refine the well inventory to obtain status <br />and construction information regarding the wells in order [o identify which <br />wells reach or penetrate the same aquifer as the ERMLJ wells. k <br />Notify MDH if a Class V well is identified and provide management <br />materials to the Class V well owner <br /> M se M rC <br />Meet with Sherburne County S WCD to discuss areas where they can work <br />cooperatively on water and land use management issues with [he DWSMA <br />and on grant funding. Annually <br />viii <br />