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City Council Minutes <br />March 12, 2012 <br />Page 3 <br />Mr. Barnhart stated that staffs recommendation is to complete one intersection this year and <br />• to program future improvements into the Capital Improvement Plan. The intersection <br />shown would cost about $60,000 in plants and materials. <br />Mayor Dietz stated that he would like the intersection of Main Street/Highway 169 and the <br />Orono Parkway medians to be a priority. He noted that he is in favor of having an entrance <br />sign at Main and Highway 169, but not the block style presented. The Council preferred the <br />plan with variation. <br />It was the consensus of the Council that prairie grass not be planted in medians. <br />Mr. Barnhart questioned if there is anything the Council would like to see that is not <br />included in the layouts presented. Councilmember Motin stated that he would like to see <br />other items such as street light painting and debris kept up. Mayor Dietz indicated he has <br />received complaints about weeds growing in the medians along Highway 10 and he would <br />like the city to look into fixing this problem. <br />Council consensus was for staff to obtain firm estimates on the cost of the Main <br />Street/Highway 169 intersection and Orono Parkway median improvements and report back <br />to the Council. The Council authorized Mr. Barnhart to meet with a landscape architect <br />regarding these improvements, at a cost of $6,000 to $10,000. <br />6.4. Bailey Point Update <br />Mr. Fortner provided an update on Bailey Point. He stated that he received the third draft of <br />the Conservation Agreement from the land trust this afternoon. He stated that he believes all <br />• parties are close to reaching an agreement. <br />6.5. Yellow Ribbon City Program Update <br />Mayor Dietz stated that the Yellow Ribbon Committee meets regularly and the program is <br />off to a really good start. He noted that the Committee hopes to have the official kick-off of <br />the program on Memorial Day. <br />6.6. Topics for~oint Meeting with Sherburne County Board <br />Mr. Fortner presented his staff report. He stated that County Administrator Brian Benson <br />will be requesting topics from the Board at their next meeting. <br />Mayor Dietz asked the Council to let Mr. Fortner know if they have any topics they would <br />like to add to the joint meeting agenda. <br />6.7. Parks and Recreation Department Computer System <br />Mr. Hecker presented the staff report. <br />MOVED BY COUNCILMEMBER MOTIN AND SECONDED BY <br />COUNCILMEMBER GUMPHREY TO AUTHORIZE THE PARKS AND <br />RECREATION DEPARTMENT TO PURCHASE THE VERMONT SYSTEMS <br />COMPUTER SOFTWARE AS OUTLINED IN THE STAFF REPORT WITH <br />• THE ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR THE PURCHASE OPTION TO COME <br />FROM THE CAPITAL OUTLAY RESERVE FUND. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. <br />