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Page 2 of 2 <br />its first site in Apple Valley. Moe's Southwest Grill is expanding, as is Potbelly Sandwich Works and Pei Wei Asian Diner. <br />• Also, the new Cosi cafes are hitting [he market. They are a mix between a coffee shop, bistro, sandwich shop and wine <br />bar. The first locations in the Twin Cities are in downtown Wayzata, Woodbury and downtown Minneapolis. Cosi Inc. is a <br />franchised, quick-service concept with approximately 96 locations In 20 states so far. In the metro, there are letters of <br />intent for five more locations, but the franchisee says there could be as many as 40 Cosi cafes in Minnesota. <br />• Some sit-down restaurantr are retooling and adapting to compete with the quick-serve, fast-casual restaurantr. In that <br />effort, they are changing their menus to add take-out Items and add curbside delivery. They are speeding up service and <br />offering less expensive menu items. Examples are TGI Fridays, Chili's and Applebee's. <br />• With services like Netflix, which allow consumers to order DVDS online, people no longer have to drive to the <br />neighborhood video store. This change in the video rental business is affecting neighborhood retail centers around the <br />country. Movie Gallery Inc., owner of the Hollywood Video and Movie Gallery concepts, plans to cut its retail space by 50% <br />as part of a nationwide downsizing of more than 2,200 locations. Itr stores are typically 7,500 sq. ft. Also, Blockbuster <br />Inc., which has stores that range from 4,500 to 6,500 sq. ft., plans to close 100 to 150 locations each year across the <br />wuntry. On the positive side, many video rental stores are in high-traffic locations, and this will open up opportunities for <br />new co-tenancy. <br />The Outlook <br />Neighborhood centers'suctess will continue because their niche is serving time-pressed shoppers searching for convenient <br />locations and fresh, new service retail conceptr. <br />Landlords will continue to look to add new versatile conceptr and be creative in new uses. <br />Print this Page <br />Close Window <br />http://outlook.uproperties.corn/PagePrinter.aspx?InstanceID=b5dc3874-23 ec-45bc-9750-47... 8/8/2006 <br />