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METHAMPHETAMINE IN RURAL MINNESOTA: Methamphetamine (meth) is a powerful man-made stimulant <br />drug. The drug is made or "cooked" using a dangerous combination of chemicals, and is sold in the form of pills, <br />powder or chunks. It is believed that up to eighty percent of the meth used illegally in Minnesota comes from other <br />states and from out of the country. The remaining meth used illegally in Minnesota is made in clandestine laboratories <br />("meth labs") in homes, vehicles, motels, ice-fishing shacks and other locations. <br />The illegal production, distribution and use of meth has increased significantly in rural Minnesota in the last decade. <br />In 2003, over seventy-five percent of the clandestine meth labs were discovered outside of the largest Minnesota cities. <br />Over the last six years (1998-2004), over 325 labs were exposed in the fourteen counties served by the Initiative <br />Foundation. The existence of the drug in our region and throughout Greater Minnesota is accountahle for <br />• Serious environmental dangers caused by meth labs and meth chemical dumps <br />• Increased child abuse, child neglect and child endangerment <br />• Increased crime and violence -including theft, sexual assault and even homicide <br />• Increased demands on medical and social services, jails, fire departments and law enforcement agencies <br />• Additional pressure on educators, parents, units of government and communities as a whole <br />OUR RESPONSE• The Initiative Foundation has been given a charge to respond to the emerging issues in our <br />service area. Methamphetamine is a clear and strong threat to the health and safety of our communities and its <br />members. The consequences of its existence crosses over our priority areas of Fostering Environmental Health <br />and Preservation; Promoting the Healthy Development for Children, Youth and Families; Retaining a <br />Sense of Place; and Ensuring Economic Well Being for Communities. We'believe that by coming along side <br />communities, we can help prevent and reduce the incidence of meth production, use and distribution, and support <br />families and communities as they deal with its devastating effects. <br />OUR PRINCII'LES• We believe we can be most effective by: <br />• Increasing awareness and providing education about methamphetamine <br />• Working in partnership with other agencies, organizations and individuals facing this issue <br />• Taking an asset-based approach to prevention, enforcement, education and treatment <br />• Building on existing community resources <br />PROGRAM COMPONENTS• Through our Methamphetamine Initiative, we will provide a combination of <br />education, technical support, financial assistance and resource and referral services bv: <br />• Conducting educational workshops such as Merh ,twurcness l01 and Hope throtrKh TreaUnent <br />• Convening county-wide community coalitions <br />• Making community, multi-community and county-wide grants to identity and mobilize resources, and <br />implement local prevention projects <br />• Developing and distributing resource guides and resource toolkits to schools; communities, parents, employers <br />and partnering organizations <br />• Creating a regional media catnpaigo to include news stories, public service announcements, radio interviews, <br />and opinion editorials <br /> For more information, please contact <br /> Ed Minnema <br /> Initiative Foundation <br /> 405 First Street SE <br /> Little Falls, MN 56345 <br />INITIATIVE (320) 632-9255 or (877) 632-9255 toll-free <br />FOUNDATION Fax: (320> 632-92sa <br /> E-mail: eminnemar7a ifound orp <br /> Website: <br />