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SECTION 1 <br />Application Request Summary <br />1.1 INTRODUCTION <br />Elk River Landfill, Inc. (ERL), awholly-owned subsidiary of Waste Management of Minnesota, <br />Inc., owns and operates a 92-acre mixed municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill (Landfill) under <br />Minnesota Solid Waste Permit Number SW-74. The Landfill is also licensed and permitted by both <br />Sherburne County (County) and the City of Elk River (City). The Landfill is located along U.S. TH <br />169 on 476 acres of land located in the NW'/a of Section 3, T33N, R26W, and the SW'/a of <br />Section 34, T34N, R26W, Sherburne County, Minnesota (see Drawing titled'~Site Plan -Entire <br />Property'. Besides the 72-acre construction and demolition debris (C&D) landfill immediately <br />and adjacent to the north of the Landfill, the remaining 312 acres of the existing property owned <br />by ERL provides a buffer surrounding the Landfill. The Landfill is permitted to accept MSW, C&D, <br />yard waste for composting, industrial waste in accordance with a MPCA-approved Industrial Solid <br />Waste Management Plan, and processing facility rejects from the Elk River Resource Recovery <br />Facility. <br />ERL maintains a Solid Waste Facility (SWF) license and conditional use permits in accordance <br />with City requirements. ERL and the City entered into a Host Community Agreement in <br />September 2003 regarding the Landfill. On May 25, 2011, ERL and City entered into an <br />Agreement related to expanding by 27.2 acres the Landfill's MSW footprint to the south. This <br />southern expansion includes the southern-most portion of the 137.4-acre landfill property <br />currently owned by ERL and the northern-most portion of the 109-acre southern development <br />area (SDA) located immediately south of the Landfill that is currently owned by Tiller Corporation <br />(Tiller). This application reflects the terms agreed to by both ERL and City in the May 25, 2011 <br />Agreement. <br />The 27.2-acre expanded Landfill as agreed to in the May 25, 2011 Agreement provides 4,962,000 <br />cubic yards of additional MSW capacity. Per City, the approval of the expanded Landfill requires <br />the northern-most portion of the SDA to be "r uide " 'n the comprehensive plan as "landfill" <br />and rezoned to be included in the SWF Overlay District and for a sanitary landfill~radit~onal use <br />permit (CUP) to be obtained. The Landfill's existing County SWF license will also need to be <br />amended to include the expansion. <br />1.2 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT <br />The 27.2-acre expanded Landfill includes an additional 8.9 acres on the southern-most portion of <br />the existing 137.4-acre landfill property and 18.3 acres on the northern-most portion of Tiller's <br />109-acre SDA located immediately south of the existing landfill property (see Drawing titled "Site <br />Development Plan -Entire Property'. ERL has entered into a purchase agreement with Tiller for <br />a portion of the SDA, which will include the 18.3 acres for the expanded Landfill and an additional <br />13.5 acres for the required 200-foot buffer area. Per City, the affected 31.8 acres of the SDA will <br />need to be "reguided" and rezoned. <br />The affected 31.8 acres of the SDA are currently used by Tiller for its gravel mining operation. As <br />has been the practice at the existing Landfill, the expanded Landfill will follow behind Tiller's <br />mining operations. Tiller has an approved CUP from City for the entire 109-acre SDA, and Tiller is <br />concurrently requesting approval to mine the remaining southern 200-foot portion of ERL's <br />existing 137.4-acre landfill property. <br />Elk River Landfill SDA - Section 1-1 <br />Land Use Application ` lNenCl< <br />e.x xaven uwos~u <br />