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5.2.-5.4. PCSR 09-13-2011
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5.2.-5.4. PCSR 09-13-2011
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9/9/2011 2:18:23 PM
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9/8/2011 2:35:20 PM
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Per the terms of the May 25, 2011 Agreement, the expanded Landfill consists of 27.2 acres of <br />lined MSW landfill area contiguous to the existing Landfill. Development of the expanded Landfill <br />would be fully integrated into the contours, general design and operation of the existing Landfill. <br />The expanded Landfill will provide approximately 4,962,000 cubic yards of additional MSW <br />capacity. Assuming the annual waste flow into the Landfill, including the expanded Landfill, are <br />consistent with the historic average of 336,048 cubic yards/year, this additional capacity would <br />extend the operational life of the MSW landfill approximately 18 years. Per the May 25, 2011 <br />Agreement, all landfilling within the expanded Landfill will be completed by December 31, 2030. <br />The expanded Landfill was included as part of the much larger 73.4-acre expanded Landfill that <br />required a mandatory Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) under the requirements of Minn. R. <br />4410.4400, subp. 13(E). The Draft and Final EIS for the initially proposed 73.4-acre expanded <br />Landfill have previously been provided to City. The EIS was completed in 2005 and approved by <br />the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) in 2006. The EIS findings concluded that <br />environmental impacts of the much larger 73.4-acre expanded Landfill would likely be minimal <br />and the proposed management and mitigation standards would meet or exceed regulatory <br />standards. <br />1.2.1 INFRASTRUCTURE <br />Expansion of the following existing infrastructure systems will be required as part of the <br />expanded Landfill: <br />^ Leachate collection and storage facilities. <br />^ Gas extraction wells, piping, and monitoring probes will be installed in accordance with <br />required regulations. <br />^ Groundwater monitoring wells in accordance with the site's permits and MPCA approved <br />workplans. <br />The expanded Landfill will be served by existing access points along TH 169. <br />1.2.2 SITE SCREENING <br />Other than the requisite setbacks, mining is currently allowed to occur within the entire SDA but <br />not within the southern-most 200-foot buffer on ERL's existing 137.4-acre landfill property. An <br />application for the mining of the 200-foot buffer on ERL's existing property is being submitted by <br />Tiller Corporation concurrently with the submittal of this application. <br />Screening will be done per the terms of the May 25, 2011 Agreement, and it is reflected on <br />Drawing 5 °Screening Plan." This includes planting trees and vegetation along facility access <br />roads, perimeter roads and future sedimentation ponds located along the proposed eastern, <br />southern and western sides of the affected property. <br />1.2.3 EXPANDED LANDFILL DESIGN <br />The expanded Landfill is designed to dispose of non-hazardous solid wastes. The design as well <br />as the construction and operation of the landfill are governed by MPCA, County and City. Each of <br />these three regulatory bodies has performed or will perform a review of the general landfill <br />design as well as reviewed the environmental impacts of the landfill development through an EIS. <br />The design of the expanded Landfill incorporates astate-of-the-art composite liner system and <br />two feet of compacted clay soil barrier overlain by a 60 mil high density polyethylene flexible <br />membrane liner. Together, these two components of the liner system prevent contaminants from <br />Elk River Landfill SDA Section 1-2 <br />Land Use Application tN~C1Cl` <br />ELK Al VEA LAhoFtti <br />
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