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SWIFT Contract #30251 <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA • <br />JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT <br />This agreement is between the State of Minnesota, acting through its Commissioner of Public <br />Safety, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension -Minnesota Justice and Information Services - MNJIS <br />("State") and the Elk River Police Department, 13077 Orono Parkway, Elk River, MN 55330- <br />0723 ("Governmental Unit"). <br />Recitals <br />1. Under Minn. Stat. § 471.59, subd. 10, the State is empowered to engage such assistance as deemed <br />necessary. <br />2. Under Minn. Stat. § 299C.65, the Commissioner of Public Safety, together with the Criminal Justice <br />Policy Group (MNJIS' governing body) is responsible for the successful completion of statewide <br />criminal justice information system integration Network(CriMNet). <br />3. While various other Criminal Justice agencies at state and local government levels are working to <br />prepare their individual information systems for the integration process, it is the MNJIS Office that is <br />building the infrastructure required to integrate those systems. <br />4. The State is in need of the installation and configuration of software to enable data workflow between <br />the Government Unit and the state courts from the Government Unit's document management system <br />using the BCA's eCharging application. This installation will enable the eCharging Incident/eReferral <br />and eCitation components by configuring and activating the code within the eCharging eComplaints <br />currently implemented on the Government Unit's records management server. The installation and <br />configuration by Law Enforcement Technology Group, LLC (LETG) will include installation, <br />activation, and configuration of the software on one records management server (RMS host) and at <br />each agency enrolled on the records management server. <br />Agreement • <br />1 Term of Agreement <br />1.1 Effective date: August 15, 2011, or the date the State obtains all required signatures <br />under Minnesota Statutes Section 16C.05, subdivision 2, whichever is later. <br />1.2 Expiration date: September 30, 2011, or until all obligations have been satisfactorily <br />fulfilled, whichever occurs first. <br />Agreement between the Parties <br />For this project, the Governmental Unit will work with their Record Management System (RMS) <br />vendor to install their eCharging adaptor that will provide eCharging submission capability from the <br />Government Unit's RMS to the eCharging system at the BCA. The effort involved includes <br />installation and testing of the adapter to successful citation submissions froin the Governmental <br />Unit's RMS are received and are able to be processed by the eCharging system. The Governmental <br />Unit will be paid a fixed cost for the installation of the adapter at their location as well as at any other <br />agencies/locations served by their RMS. <br />The installation and configuration will include the following functionality: <br />a) Modifications to Elk River's LETG software necessary for it to use LETG's eCharging adapter. <br />b) The successful submission of citations from Elk River's LETG installation, using the above <br />components, to eCharging's production environment. <br />c) Project management necessary to complete the above work <br />This agreement does not include the costs associated with annual maintenance charged to the <br />Government Units by the vendor for support for the records management system. Annual support for <br />the additional functionality is the responsibility of the Government Unit. • <br />Joint Powers Agreement (Rev. 08/10) <br />