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FEB-10-2006 09 49 LERGUE OF MN CITIES 6512811299 P. 10 <br />02/07/U6 R&V1SOR 3SIVMK 06-5594 <br />9.1 For the aurpose of eiyin~ , mailed notice ownels ace determined a5 v rovided by section <br /> <br />v.z 429 031 subdivision 1 p ara>rraph (a) The resolution authorizing the use of eminent <br />v.3 domain must not be adopted at the same meetin or on the same da as the ublic heari <br />9.a Subd. 3. Resolution, The resolution authorizing the use of eminent domain must: <br />9.5 f 1) identify and describe the public benefits that are ]mown of expected to result <br />4.6 from the progrrtm or proicct for which the property interest is proposed to be acguired• <br />9.7 ~2) identify and describe the private bcnefil's that are known or expected to result <br />9.s from the anticipated conveyance of the property interest proposed to be acquired: <br />v.9 f3) summarize and respond to any oral comments made at the public hearing or <br /> written comments received at or prior to the public hearin¢: and <br />v.u (4) address how the acquisition of the properiv interest serves one or more identified <br /> public pumoses and why the acquisition of the property is reasonably necessary to <br />9.13 accomplish those purposes. <br />9.ra Subd. 4. Sttmmar~of 5ndin2s. The aoveming body of a condemning authoriri <br />9.15 must sunrmari~c the findings adopted in the resolution authoriunQ the use of eminent <br />v.t6 domain in the notice of petition required under section 117.055. <br />9.n Sec. 14. 1469.4021 DEFINITIONS. <br />9.1s Subdivision 1. ScgpC, For purposes of sections 469.401 to 469.403, the following <br />9.19 terms have the meatrings given to them. <br />9.zo Subd. 2. Abandoned. "Abandoned" means that at least 75 percent of a building's <br />9zt azea has been substantially unoccupied for at least one year prior to [he date of inclusion <br />v.zz in a blighted area. <br />v.z3 Subd. 3. SliEhted arcn. "Blighted area" is an area where the condemning authoriri <br /> finds that the conditions provided in clauses (a), ), and (c) exist: <br />925 (a} the land is or has been in urban use; <br />9.z6 fbl at least one of the followiae conditions exist: <br />9z7 (1) 50 percent or more of the buildings in the area are structurally substandard <br />92s or abandoned or a combination thereof; <br />9.29 2 30 percent or more of the pazcels in the arcs constitute an environmentally <br />v.3o contaminated area; or <br />9.31 (3) (i) 20 percent or more of the buildings in the area are structural) substandard <br />9.32 or abandoned or a combination thereof. and (ii) an additional 30 percent or more of the <br />9.33 buildings in the area arc obsolete as evidenced by lack of investment based on limited <br />9.3a building permits fpr repair or improvements in the previous five years; and <br />9.3:> (c) at (east one of the following conditions is present: <br />Sec. 14. 9 <br />