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Economic Development Authority Minutes <br />August S, 2005 <br />Page 5 <br />from the City. She stated that staff recommends that the EDA Finance Committee review <br />the request prior to an EDA recommendation to the Council. President Gongoll suggested <br />that if necessary, the EDA could review the request at a special EDA meeting. <br />Commissioner Motin stated that he had some concerns that the applicant was requesting <br />both types of assistance from the City. Commissioner Gongoll stated that the request <br />should go through the Finance Committee fox their recommendation. <br />Ms. Steinmetz asked Mx. Inman if his `But Fox" analysis fox the company would be affected <br />by the additional financing. b1r. Inman stated that the was small in comparison to their <br />whole package, and should have no direct impact on the "But For" finding. <br />Commissioner Motin noted that the transportation bonding bill has been approved for the <br />Northstax Corridor project and the project will be going to final design. He stated that $80 <br />million in Federal funds has been indudcd in the 2006 Federal Budget. <br />9. Consider Year 2006 EDA Budget and Resolution Regarding EDA Lew <br />Ms. Steinmetz reviewed the 2006 projected expenditures and revenues. She noted that the <br />60/40 split for Personal Services between the EDA and HRA will continue fox 2006. Also, <br />the budget includes a $2,500 contribution to the Initiative Foundation. Ms. SteinmeU <br />discussed the proposed Business Incubator expenses, noting that the Business Incubator <br />continues to be funded since 1997 from repayment of the Tescom loan. She reviewed the <br />current lease agreement with Mx. Larry Hickman and contract with Harlan Jacobs of Genesis <br />Business Centers. <br />Commissioner Dwyer stated that he feels payment to Mx. Jacobs should be 100 percent <br />incentive-based. <br />President Gongoll stated that he felt the retainer was worthwhile, since Mr. Jacobs provides <br />a service. <br />The Commission discussed the issue of a retainer versus an incentive fee, and the state of <br />the Business Incubator Pxogxam. <br />Commissioner Tveite suggested decreasing the retainer and including bonuses fox filling the <br />three spaces. <br />Commissioner Motin stated that he had concerns with giving incentives and felt a flat rate of <br />$125 a month when all three Incubator spaces were full would be appropriate. He suggested <br />that the Commission look at this issue when the 20071ease with b1r. Hickman expires. <br />President Gongoll stated that the EDA needs to look at what they want to put into the <br />Business Incubator project and what they expect to get out of it. <br />MOTION BY COMMISSIONER FARBER, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER <br />TVEITE TO APPROVE THE 2006 EDA BUDGET, INCLUDING THE 2006 <br />BUSINESS INCUBATOR BUDGET AS PRESENTED; AND, TO APPROVE <br />RESOLUTION OS-01, A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE TAX LEVY FOR <br />THE ELK RIVER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR <br />THE CITY OF ELK RIVER, MINNESOTA. MOTION CARRIED 6-0. <br />