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SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ELK RIVER <br />ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY <br />HELD AT THE ELK RIVER CITY HALL <br />MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 2002 <br />Members Present: President Gongoll, Commissioners Koenig, Dwyer (5:15 p.m.), Klinzing, <br />Kuester, Tveite and Motin <br />Members Absent: None <br />Staff Present: Director of Economic Development Catherine Mehelich, Economic <br />Development Assistant Heidi Hall, City Administrator Pat I4aers, and <br />Recording Secretan~ Tina Allard <br />Call Meeting To Order <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the meeting of the Economic Development <br />Authority was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by President Gongoll. <br />2. Consider 08/19/02 Agenda <br />COMMISSIONER TVEITE MOVED TO APPROVE THE AUGUST 19, 2002, <br />EDA AGENDA. COMMISSIONER KOENIG SECONDED THE MOTION. THE <br />MOTION CARRIED 6-0. <br />3. 2002-2004 Strategic Industrial Marketing Plan <br />Economic Development Assistant Heidi Hall stated that Duckor and Associates was hired <br />to assess and update the Strategic Industrial Marketing Plan. She introduced Anita Duckor. <br />Ms. Duckor presented the EDA with an assessment of the 2002-2002 Activities Plan. She <br />suggested strategies and presented a Key Action Plan that should be implemented through <br />2004. <br />Ms. Duckor stated that the Business Park Design Standards Ordinance should be more <br />fle:dble to be competitive in attracting clients [o Elk River. She stated that companies (like <br />SoftPac) might have a building design unique to their type of business but would not be <br />allowed into Elk River today because of the Business Park Design Standazds Ordinance. <br />Ms. Duckor recommended that a dedicated city-owned industrial park be established with an <br />incentive to potential light industrial clients to help keep land costs low. <br />Pat Dwyer arrived at 5:15 p.m. <br />President Gongoll stated that overall he liked the Plan but indicated that some Key Actions <br />may not be feasible. He stated that the city should present a more "Open for Business <br />Approach." He stated that the Business Park Design Standards Ordinance is an issue that <br />needs to be reconsidered. He also stated that he liked the idea of a city-owned dedicated <br />industrial park to offer potential clients but that it may not be financially feasible. <br />