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Contract No. DPS-M-002 <br />Minnesota Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force <br />• <br />(u~ti-~€Jency ~~~ ~rfarcemer~t Jo~rt Formers ~:greefren~ <br />This Multi-Agency Law Enfercer~ent Joint Powers Agreement; and arl7endments and <br />supplements thereto, ("Agreement") is between the State of Minnesota, acting through its <br />Commissioner of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension ("Grantee"), empowered to <br />enter into this Agreement pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 47L~9, Subd. 10 & 12, and Cit<~ of Elk <br />River, acting through its Elk River Police Department, located at 13077 Orono Parkway, Elk <br />River, MN X5330, ("Undersigned L.a-~~ Enfforcement Agency"), empowered to enter into this <br />Agreement pursuant to Minn. Stat. ~ 4 71.5, subd. 10, <br />Whereas, the above subscribed parties have joined together in amulti-agency task force intended <br />to irwestigate and prosecute crimes committed against children and the criminal exploitation of <br />children that is committed and/or facilitated by or through the use of computers, and to disrupt <br />and dismantle organizations engaging in such activity; and <br />Whereas, the undersigned agencies agree to utilize applicable state and federal laws to prosecute <br />criminal; civil, and forfeiture actions against identified violators, as appropriate; and <br />Whereas, the Grantee is the recipient of a federal grant (attached to this Agreement as Exhibit A) <br />disbursed by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention ("OJJDP") in <br />Washington, D.C. to assist law enforcement in investigating and combating the exploitation of <br />children which occurs through the use of computers by providing funding for equipment, <br />training, and expenses, including travel a_nd overtime funding, which are incurred by law <br />enforcement as a result of such investigations; and V <br />Whereas, the OJJDP Internet Crimes Against Children ("ICAO") has established a Working <br />Group of Directors representing each of the existing ICAC Task Forces to oversee the operation <br />of the grant and sub-grant recipients; and the State of Minnesota, acting through its <br />Commissioner of Public Safety, Bureau of Criminal Apprehension has designated Donald <br />Cheung as the Commander of the Minnesota ICAC Task Force. <br />Now Therefore, the parties agree as follows: <br />1. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency approves, authorizes, and enters into this <br />Agreement with the purpose ofimplementing athree-pronged approach to combat Internet <br />Crimes Against Children: prevention, education and enforcement; and <br />2. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall adhere to the Minnesota ICAC Task Force <br />Program Standards contained in Exhibit B attached to this Agreement, in addition to <br />complying with applicable Minnesota state and federal laws in the performance of this <br />Agreement, including conducting undercover operations relative to ICAC, ; a list of Regional <br />ICAC Task Force,. Minnesota State Affiliate Agency and Training & Technical Assistance • <br />Page 1 of ~} <br />