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Water P&L <br />Water Operating Revenues are comparable this month compared to last year, although <br />down slightly, and ahead of budget. We pumped 8 million gallons of water less than last <br />year, and sold 2 million gallons less. <br />Other Revenue is down both From budget and the prior year. The Investment Income <br />amounts are down from last year as the escrow account in place last year had some <br />earnings that are not present this year. The Miscellaneous Revenue is from the water <br />tower lease. <br />Expenses are under budget and less than the prior year. Water Production has some <br />reimbursements of expenses from Sprint that result in a credit this month. Administrative <br />Expenses for the Water Department are also higher than the prior year (as in the Electric <br />Department), however under budget. The variance in the Water Department is related to <br />the insurance accrual this year versus no accrual in January last year. <br />For January, the Water Department has a net loss (which is expected this time of year) of <br />$71,500 which is $26,000 ahead of budget and $11,000 ahead of last year. <br />