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5.2. ERMUSR 03-08-2011
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5.2. ERMUSR 03-08-2011
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3/4/2011 12:22:40 PM
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Our 10-Step Procurement Process: <br />tt is the desire of N]PA to meet our Members' procurement requirements, but it is ultimately our Members' responsibility to interpret <br />localpurchasingiaws to determine their own ability to access andparticipate with NJPA contracts. Our Request forProposal (RFP) <br />process is continuously being refined to meet the changing needs o f our Members. The desired result is a national, competitively bid <br />procurement and contractprocess that is not only valuedby Members, but meets or exceeds local requirements-offering exceptional <br />products and services from nationally acclaimed Vendors. <br />1) RESEARCHING MEMBER NEEDS <br />Carved out at numerous national trade shows, we take the opportunity to not only display our current offerings, but also listen to <br />our Members' needs in an effort fo refine our current product and service offerings. <br />2) RESEARCHING THE MARKET FOR SOLUTIONS <br />Constant research helps us develop the best approach for each offering. Some industries lend themselves to an invitation for a <br />manufacturer s response because a single manufacturer provides a complete industry solution Through a number of authorized <br />dealers. Other industries lend themselves to an invitation for a distributor response because individual distributors provide complete <br />industry solutions as representative for a large number of manufacturers. <br />3) DRAFTING AND ADVERTISING AN RFP <br />This involves updating our largest, single document to meet the needs and requirements of our Members Through the RFP scope, <br />gool, intent and specifications for procurement of products and equipment. N,~PA reserves the right io offer, invite and conduct a <br />pre-bid meeting to educate potential responders and answer any questions and concerns surrounding the upcoming RFP. <br />Questions that arise are received and addressed as defined within the generpi terms of the RFP. <br />NJPA advertises each RFP for two consecutive weeks in The Minneapolis Star Tribune (print and web), on, <br />, and locally as needed to satisfy procurement guidelines (e.g., Hawaii and Oregon). NJPA also posts <br />bids on appropriate third party solicitation websites- NJ PP, desires to Invite as many providers o4 products and equipment as <br />possible; however, our postings require responders to meet stringent business practices, so not all providers have the ability or <br />desire to respond. As a result, NJPA Members work with companies that demonstrate the highest level of service and delivery <br />of products, equipment and services, as well as the best overall value at the lowest possible contract price. <br />4) RECEIVING BIDDERS' RESPONSES <br />Bids are opened at a public ceremony specified in the RFP. <br />5) EVALUATING BIDDERS' RESPONSES <br />Evaluation begins at the bid opening by determining the "Responsiveness' of each bid. "Level One Responsiveness' includes: <br />• Timely submission- <br />s Properly tabbed and organized bid. <br />• Electronic as well as physical copies of their submission. <br />• Original signatures on appropriate documents. <br />• Bid bond/bid security all properly submitted. <br />The evaluation process continues with "level Two Responsiveness', or the evaluation o{ the bid response by the Bld Evaluation <br />Committee according to the procedures and parameters set by the RFP. Our typical RFP invites the widest possible variety of products <br />and services within the scope of a bid Our intention is to create a contract that provides the widest possible array of utility to the <br />widest possible array of NJPA Members. We also specifically invite bidders to define their products and services not only by <br />industry standard terms, but also in terms of the latest technological advances and Its applicability and utility to our Members- <br />PROCUREMENT PROCESS: STEP-BY-STEP <br />
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