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college graduates. Fifty-eight percent of the married households <br />reported both spouses working outside of the home. The average <br />yearly household income in Elk River was projected to be <br />$35,200.00, about $4,300.00 less than the Metropolitan Area <br />suburban median. <br /> <br /> Elk River residents reported working across the Metropolitan <br />Area and the central portion of the state. About forty percent <br />of the sample reported either they or their spouse worked in the <br />city. The western Hennepin County suburbs were a destination of <br />seventeen percent of the households. Anoka County drew another <br />twelve percent. Southern Hennepin County suburbs were the job <br />sites of seven percent of the households. Minneapolis, Saint <br />Paul, Dakota County, Sherburne County, and Wright County also <br />drew smaller numbers. On average, the Elk River commuter takes <br />twenty minutes to get to work; but, even so, almost one-third <br />report drive times of over thirty minutes. Indicative of the <br />distances, another one-third of the commuters would tak~ a ten <br />percent pay cut to work at a similar job in Elk River. <br /> <br /> The city residents are clearly outdoors minded in their <br />recreational pursuits. The most popular endeavor was hiking or <br />walking, undertaken by forty-five percent of the households on at <br />least a weekly basis. In fact, one-quarter of the households <br />reported walking or hiking on an almost daily schedule. <br />Bicycling was the second highest ranked leisure time pursuit. <br />Forty-one percent of the households bike at least weekly, weather <br />perTnitting. Nature walks scored third at twenty-seven percent. <br />All three of these activities suggest a strong demand for trails <br />as a key component of any park and recreation plan. ~' <br /> <br /> The next set of most popular recreational activities suggest <br /> other aspects of a comprehensive park system. Swimming was <br /> enjoyed at least weekly by twenty-nine percent of the city's <br /> households. Fishing attracted, during the appropriate season, <br /> twenty-eight percent of the households at least weekly. And, <br /> avid golfers -- at least weekly, weather permitting -- could be <br /> found in twenty-one percent of the households. Area pools, <br /> docks, and golf courses need to be reviewed for their <br /> meeting the needs of the citizenry both currently and in the <br /> future. <br /> <br /> The Park and Recreation system was examined in some detail. <br />Overall, residents are much less satisfied than their peers in <br />other communities. Only seventy percent of the sample rated the <br />park and recreational facilities as "excellent" or "good." <br />Twenty-four percent rated them as "only fair" or "poor." This <br />approval rating is almost twenty percent less than the <br />Metropolitan Area suburban norm. Certainly, current residents do <br />not feel the park system is adequately meeting their needs. <br /> <br /> Even so, usage of the park and recreational facilities was <br />extremely high, at ninety percent of the city's households. <br />Orono Park attracted the largest number of residents last year: <br />eighty-six percent of the households contain at least one member <br /> <br /> <br />