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ITEM # 5. <br />City <br />E <br />giver <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Housing & Redevelopment Authority <br />FROM: Catherine Mehelich, Director of Economic <br />DATE: March 7, 2005 <br />SUBJECT: Downtown Revitalization Project Update <br />,~ <br />Development~i'~ <br />((, <br />Attachments <br />• King Avenue Parking Lot Taskforce, February 1, 2005 meeting minutes <br />• MetroPlains Project Schedule <br />• Article "Downtown redesign just around corner" Pioneer Press, February 13, 2005 <br />Background <br />The City entered into a development agreement with MetroPlains Development at the end of last <br />year. Since that time staff has been working closely with MetroPlains to make progress on a number <br />of activities leading up to the anticipated summer project construction. <br />Current Activities <br />King Avenue Parking Lot Improvement <br />Assistant Director of Economic Development, Heidi Steinmetz is working closely with the King <br />Ave Parking Lot Taskforce and their monthly meetings to provide input on the parking lot design <br />and enforcement options. Meeting minutes from the February taskforce meeting is attached for the <br />HRA's review. Within the next month the City Engineer will formalize construction plans and bid <br />specifications for the City Council's approval and construction in June. <br />• February Council approves quote for Utilities Building asbestos removal <br />• April Council considers quotes for building removal and authorize bidding for <br />parking lot improvements <br />• April/May Building removal and Council considers bid for parking lot improvements <br />• May/June Commence parking lot construction <br />• June/July Completion of parking lot construction <br />River's Edge Greenspace Improvements <br />The March 2, 2005 edition of the Star News featured an article on the schematic improvement plans <br />for the River's Edge Commons located between the Cinema Building and Sunshine Depot <br />