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ITEM ~ 2. <br />. ~~~~ <br />aver <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Planning Commission <br />Housing and Redevelopment Authority <br />Heritage Preservation Commission <br />FROM: Heidi Steinmetz, Assistant Director of Economic Development ~~ <br />DATE: September 13, 2005 <br />SUBJECT: Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) Vision and <br />Presentation of Market Information <br />Attachments <br />HRA Redevelopment Concept <br />Memo dated July 5, 2005 from Lance Lindberg, Heritage Preservation Commission <br />Chair <br />Background <br />Beginning in June of 2004, the HRA completed the following activities to develop a <br />redevelopment plan for downtown north of Hwy 10: <br />• Defined a study area boundary <br />• Expressed along-term vision for the study area <br />• Reviewed past & updated research of building condition, historic significance, and <br />the market analysis for the area <br />• Reviewed three redevelopment concept options and discussed barriers to <br />implementing the concepts <br />• Selected and refined one of the concepts (concept attached) <br />• Directed staff to utilize the concept as a guiding document fox redevelopment <br />proposals and inquiries from the private sector <br />• Drafted & refined narrative description for the concept <br />• Held a special meeting for a work session with the City Council for input on the <br />redevelopment concept and narrative <br />In addition, the Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) provided input at their September <br />9, 2004 HPC meeting to assist in updating past research of the area, which included the <br />Historical Significance Analysis, completed in Summer 2001. <br />