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MEETING CANCELATION NOTICE <br />HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY <br />v~r <br />April 3, 2006 <br />MEETING CANCELED <br />I Stewart'+'iison, HRA chair, hereby request to cancel the regularly scheduled meeting of <br />the Elk Ri-,~ ~- Housing and Redevelopment Authority on Apri13, 2006. <br />In accordance with State Statute, I hereby request the city clerk to post this notice at least <br />three days prior to the scheduled meeting date. I further request the city clerk to notify each <br />member of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in writing, at least one day before the <br />canceled meeting. <br />~ C _ <br />tewart Wilson, Chair Date <br />I HEREBY C~ERTTFY, that this notice has been posted and that I have served this notice <br />upon the members of the Housuig and Redevelopment Authority by mail at least one day <br />prior to the abo~-e-canceled ~Edousinl; and Redevelopment Authority meeting. <br />,~ <br />~~6~0( <br />Date <br />