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Item #5 <br />t~ver <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Housing & Redevelopment Authority <br />FROM: Catherine Mehelich, Director of Economic Development <br />DATE: May 7, 2007 <br />SUBJECT: Downtown Parking Focus Group Update <br />Attachments <br />• Downtown Parking Focus Group Work Plan & Meeting Schedule -Revised Apri12007 <br />• Apri19, 2007 City Council Meeting Minutes & Staff Report to Council re: Changes to <br />Parking Regulations & Permitting <br />Background <br />The City Council appointed a Downtown Parking Focus Group earlier this year for the purpose <br />of developing working solutions on the following three primary tasks as outlined in the attached <br />work plan and summarized below: <br />1. Recommend modifications to the city's regulatory and administrative parking permit <br />process. <br />2. Recommend policies for transition of employee parking to the periphery of downtown. <br />3. Develop analysis and recommend options for long term parking needs, including parking <br />ramp. <br />HRA Commissioner Toth serves on the Focus Group as an HRA representative. The Focus <br />Group's recommendations for changes to the current parking regulations and permitting were <br />recently presented to the Council. The attached Apri19, 2007 staff report and meeting minutes <br />provide a summary of the recommendations that were approved for implementation. In addition <br />the Council directed the Parking Focus Group to proceed sooner with the parking ramp analysis. <br />Next Steps <br />In follow up to Council direction, staff is proceeding with the following actions: <br />• Working with Police Chief Beahen to make necessary arrangements for the <br />implementation of the new employee/resident permit process commencing July 1, 2007. <br />• Working with Police Chief Beahen to make necessary signage changes for reduced <br />parking time limits (in accordance with the attached map) effective July 1, 2007. <br />• Visiting with various Parking (planning/engineering) firms to discuss options and a <br />process for completing of a parking needs and alternatives analysis. Staff anticipates <br />