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<br /> <br />City of Elk River Item Number <br />REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION 7.1 <br />Agenda Section Meeting Date Prepared by <br />.l~dministration July 17, 2006 Bill Ivfaertz, Parks and Recreation <br /> Director <br />Item Description Reviewed by <br />i\uthorization to i\ for Bids for Ri\rers Edge Lori Johnson, City Administrator <br />CormTIons <br /> <br />Introduction <br />.i\utllorization to Ad,rertise for Bids for Rivers Edge Commons. <br /> <br />Discussion <br />TIle re,rised concept design for Ri,rers Edge Commons, recommended by the Park Commission, '\vas <br />approv'ed by the City Council in June 2006. <br /> <br />Financial Impact <br />TIle original amount budgeted \\las $660,000 .TIle consnuction estimate for the revised plan is $746,971. <br />TIle COl111nunity De\Telopment Director llas recommended that $45,000 from the Dev~elopment Fund be <br />used to pay for tlle portion of the park directly on ivIall Street, as this streetscape improvement is an <br />economic development asset. The storm \vater portions of tlle project ($35,880) can be paid for out of <br />tlle storm \vater management fund. The remaining $666,091 \vill come from the park dedication fund <br /> <br />Attachments <br />Plan Set <br /> <br />Action Requested <br />_Autll011.Zation to ,r\dv'ertise for Bids for Rivers Edge Conunons. <br /> <br />Council Action <br /> <br />I\fotion bv <br /> <br />Second by _ <br /> <br />'lote <br /> <br />Follow Up <br /> <br />c: \Documents and Settings \ tallard\Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files \ OLKF\ 7 1 Rivers Edge Authorization to Bid,doc <br />