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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br />ELK RI\IER pIJ.]\JNING CO!vll-1ISSION i"1EETI1~G <br />HELD IN THE ELK PJ:VER LIBPt-ltRY <br />January 29, 1979 <br /> <br />Members Present: Comrrdssioners Zabee, Driessen, Fox, Lucas, Thompson, Fredericksen <br />and Holmes. <br /> <br />r~embers li.bsent: Commissioner Rootes <br /> <br />1. Call Meeting to Order <br /> <br />Meeting called to order at 7:35 P.M. by Vice-Chairman Gordon Fredericksen. <br /> <br />2. Acting Chairman <br /> <br />The City Administrator informed the members of the Planning Commission that <br />since Chairman Toth had decided not to remain on the Planning Commission for <br />an additional term, that the members of the Planning Commission must select <br />a new Chairman. The ft..dministrator also informed the members of the Planning <br />Comrr~ssion that the City Council had expressed some interest in having the <br />Chairman officially appointed by the City Council, and as such, it would be <br />most desirable to have the members of the Planning Commission designate a <br />temporary Chairman until such time as the Council determines what actions <br />they 'Will take. <br /> <br />Vice-Chairman Fredericksen opened nowinations for the position of tempora~J <br />Chairman of the Pl~Jdng Commissiono Co~uissioner Thompson norr~nated <br />Eldon Rootes, seconded by Commissioner Holmes. Commissioner Lucas nominated <br />Cow~ssioner Fox, seconded by Commissioner Fredericksen. There being no <br />further nominations, Com~ssioner Fredericksen closed the nominations and <br />a vote was conductedo The results of the vote tabulated at the meeting vlere <br />as follo'Vls: <br /> <br />Commissioner Rootes - 3 votes <br />Commissioner Fox - 4 voteso <br /> <br />It was the concensus of the members of the Planning Commission that <br />Commissioner Fox serve as the Chairman and that should the City Council <br />decide to officially appoint the Chairman, that Commissioner Fox be the <br />recommended choice of the Planning Commission and the Council so informed. <br /> <br />4. Clarence Cook Preliminary Plat <br /> <br />In revie\dng Mr. Cookt s preliminary plat, the members of the Planning Commission <br />determined that a variance for lot width was required in one instance and an <br />easement from Lot D for access to Lot C was also required. CO~~~ISSIO~~ THO~WSON <br />~'10VED TO APPRO'\TE TliE PPELII~INjtRY PL..6..T SUBJECT TO TrIE GRJ...I\TTlliG OF .ft. VF..RIfl..}TCE FOR <br />LOT ~lIDTH. COI'1IvlISSIONER LUCftB SECONDED THE I~OTIOl'I. ~10TION PASSED 8-0 e <br /> <br />50 Sybil Huber Conditional Use Perrnit <br /> <br />Mrs. Huber was present at the meeting and explained her need for a <br />conditional use permit. i'4rso Huber indicated to the members of the Planning <br />Commission that her proposed beauty shop would be a small operation, ~~th an <br />anticipated maximum of six customers per day. I.irs. Huber indicated that sufficient <br />