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THE VILLAGE OF ELK- RIVER <br />TELEPHONE 441-2052 322 KING AVENUE <br />OFFICE OF THE CLERK - TREASURER ELK RIVER, MINNESOTA 55330 <br />RESOLUTION <br />WIMAS, The Village Council of the Village of Elk R?iver, has <br />been informed that certain lands and premises situated in the County of <br />Wright and State of Minnesota, and lying in the general proximity of <br />the Village of Elk diver, and described generally as the t9Peaveyll or <br />"Dill" farm, presently devoted to agricultural purposes, is being con•• <br />sidered for rezoning to permit the construction or location thereon of <br />a mobile home court or subdivision, and <br />WHEREAS, There lands and premises are located within a distance <br />of 2 miles from the corporate limits of the Village of Elk Raver, and <br />WHERFAS, no estimates or computations have been made available <br />to the Village of the effect of such proposed change on the tax basis <br />of Independent School District No..728 resulting from increased require— <br />ments for school buildings, teachers and: other school facilities, and <br />WH ~° SAS, this Council has not been advised yet on the effect <br />the recent location of numberous mobile homes in Otsego Township upon <br />the tax bases of village property and property generally in Independent <br />School: District No. 7280 <br />NOW THEREFORE HE IT RESOLVED, That until additional data is made <br />available to this Council as to the effect of such proposed project, as <br />well as existing recent location of mobile homes in Otsego Township up. <br />on the tax base of property in the Village of Elk River, the Council <br />does hereby appose any change of land z"e of the so called "Peavey" or <br />"Di.11."farm that would permit the construction or location thereon of <br />mobile homes, :Mobile Biome court, or mobile home subdivision. <br />DE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the contents of this Resolution be <br />brought to the attention of the Wright County Planning and Zoning <br />Commission at or before the hearing thereon scheduled for July 22, 1971. <br />Attest: <br />4 2:�� - �Ieq <br />Deputy Clerk— reasurer <br />