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Meeting Protocol Ensure all are heard Come prepared Adhere to time limits Don’t take things personally Ensure you understand State your concern No interruptions No sidebar discussions <br /> <br /> <br />Economic <br />Monday, November 20, 2023 <br />Development <br />5:30 p.m. <br />Authority <br />Elk River City Hall <br /> <br />Regular Meeting <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Regular meeting in Council Chambers <br /> Work Session meeting in Upper Town Conference Room immediately following regular meeting <br /> Closed meeting in Upper Town Conference Room immediately following the work session meeting <br /> <br /> <br /> 1. CALL MEETING TO ORDER <br /> <br /> 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE <br /> <br /> 3. CONSIDER AGENDA <br /> <br /> 4. CONSENT AGENDA <br />Considered to be routine and noncontroversial by the EDA and will be approved by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a commissioner, staff <br />member, or citizen so requests, in which case the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered under the regular agenda. <br /> 4.1 October 16, 2023, Regular EDA Meeting Minutes <br />4.2 Check Register <br />4.3 Balance Sheet <br />4.4 Revenue/Expenditure Reports <br /> <br /> 5. OPEN FORUM <br />An opportunity for residents and guests to provide comments and feedback to the EDA regarding items not on the agenda. Information provided in Open Forum will not be <br />discussed by the EDA; rather, the information will be referred to staff and/or scheduled for discussion at a future meeting. <br /> <br /> 6. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />An opportunity for the public to express their opinions and raise questions pertaining to the agenda item. All comments become part of the official public record. For this reason, all <br /> <br />comments must be made at the podium so they can be heard and recorded. Comments may also be provided in writing. The EDA will only receive information during the Public Hearing <br />and will not deliberate, discuss or answer questions until the hearing is closed. It is important to be courteous and allow each presenter to comment before adding additional testimony. <br /> <br /> <br /> 7. GENERAL BUSINESS <br /> 7.1 Beautification Award <br /> 7.2 General Updates <br /> <br /> 8. MOTION TO ADJOURN REGULAR MEETING <br /> <br /> 9. WORK SESSION – Upper Town Conference Room <br />Work Sessions are less formal meetings of the Economic Development Authority to encourage dialog between themselves, staff, consultants and invited members of the public. <br />The EDA does not typically take official action on items under discussion. At the conclusion of the discussion, a simple EDA consensus provides staff direction for execution of <br />the item. This portion of the agenda is audio recorded but not video recorded or broadcast. Work Sessions are open to the public, however, visitors who wish to provide input <br />must be invited by the President, assume a seat at the discussion table and provide their full name and address for the official record. <br /> 9.1 Shoot Steel TIF Modification <br /> 9.2 Die Concepts Loan <br /> <br /> 10. MOTION TO ADJOURN WORK SESSION <br /> <br /> <br />