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�, <br />Elk s �- <br />River <br />Request for Action <br />To Item Number <br />Ma ror and Cinr Council 10.1 <br />Agenda Section Meeting Date Prepared by <br />WoYk Session Se tembeY 18, 2023 Brandon Wisner, En ineerin Pro�ect Mana eY <br />Item Description Reviewed by <br />Do`vntown Vision — 2025 Capital Improvement Plan Cal Pormer, Ci r Administrator <br />Reviewed by <br />Action Requested <br />Provide direction to staff. <br />Background/Discussion <br />Main Street from Lowell Avenue to HighwayT 10 and Jackson Avenue north of Main Street is scheduled for <br />reconstruction in the 2025 Capital ImpYovement Plan (CIP). <br />The �vork plan includes the street surface, concrete curbing, side�valks (currentlyT pavers) and public utilities (if <br />necessaryr). The public paYking lots would be Yeconstructed as paYt of this project via the franchise fee. <br />Staff `vill discuss the project area boundaryT, timeline, and potential next steps. <br />Financial Impact <br />2025 CIP Budget - State rlid Funding <br />Mission/Policy/Goal <br />Responsible for everyT dollar — good ste�vards <br />Attachments <br />■ Downtown Map <br />The Elk River Vision <br />A 2a�elcolning co�nlnunity 2a�ith T evolutiona� y and spizzted T esou� cefulness, exceptional <br />se�vice, and coln�nunity engagelnent that encou�ages and ins�iz•es pTo�pe�zty. <br />rowEREo er <br />�I'1 ���� <br />Update�l• January 2023 <br />