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u �� <br />Elk -�-, <br />River <br />City Council <br />Regular Meeting <br />& <br />Work Session <br />Agenda <br />Monday, March 20, 2023 <br />6:00 p.m. <br />Elk River City Hall <br />■ Regular meeting in Council Chambers <br />■ Work Session meeting in Upper To�vn Conference Room immediatel�T following regular meeting <br />� <br />2. <br />3. <br />CALL MEETING TO ORDER <br />PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE <br />CONSIDER AGENDA <br />Meetiu� Protocol <br />■ No sidebai cliscussions <br />■ No uirenllprions <br />■ State �oui concem <br />■ Ensuie jrou iuideistand <br />■ Don't t�ke tl�igs peisonall�- <br />■ �clliese ro time linurs <br />■ Come piepaied <br />■ Ensuie all aie heaid <br />4. CONSENT AGENDA <br />ConsideLed to Ue routine and noncontLoversial U� the Ciri- Council and «�ill Ue appLoved U� one motion. Theie �aill Ue no separate cliscussion oi these items unless a <br />Councilmembei, staft membeL, oL citizen so requests, in a�luch case the item a�ill be Lemoved irom the consent agenda and considered undeL the reg�ilu agenda. <br />4.1 MaYch 6, 2023, Minutes <br />4.2 Check Register <br />4.3 Resolution: Foster Property Environmental Assessment Worksheet Findings <br />4.4 TemporaryT On-Sale Liquor License: Elk RiverFest <br />4.5 TemporaryT On-Sale Liquor License: Ruff Start Rescue <br />4.6 Accept Bid for Houlton Conservation rlrea Bank Protection Project <br />5. OPEN FORUM <br />�1n opportiuuta ior residents and �iests to provide comments and feedUack to the Cite Council reguding items not on the agenda. InioLmation piovided in Open Fonim �aill <br />not be discussed b� the Citcr Council; ratheL, the infoLmation will be referLed to stafi and/or schedided tor cliscussion at a firture meeting. <br />6. PRESENTATIONS, AWARDS, AND RECOGNITION <br />6.1 CityT of Elk River Volunteer of the Month — Mayor Dietz <br />7. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />r1n oppoLtuiute ioL the puUlic to expiess their opiiuons and iaise questions peLtaiiung to the agenda item. �ll comments Uecome put oi the oificial puUlic iecoLd. Foi tlus Leason, <br />all comments must Ue made at the podium so thea can Ue heud and LecoLded. Comments ma�- also Ue piovided in a�Liting. The citc- council «�ill on1�- receive uiioLmation duLing <br />the Public HeaLing and will not delibeLate, discuss oi answer questions until the hearing is closed. It is important to be couLteous and allow each pLesenter to comment befoLe <br />adcling adclitional testimon�-. <br />7.1 Conditional Use PeYmit: Vehicle Sales and Service foY up to 11 DealeYs at 17242 Ulysses Street, OmaY <br />Alnuaimi <br />7.2 Conditional Use Permit Construct Production Building Supporting Heavy Manufacturing Operation at <br />1340 6`�' Street, Rinker Pipe <br />8. GENERAL BUSINESS <br />GeneLal action items in wluch the Citv Council receives inioLmation irom citc- staff oL considtants and after deliberation acts on the item undeL consideration. GeneLal Business <br />items are not oppoitunities to Leceive oL pLovide public input. However, the Citcr Council map, at its sole discretion, solicit public feedback. <br />8.1 PolicyT: Organizations/Businesses Large Group Park Use <br />Q <br />MOTION TO ADJOURN REGULAR MEETING <br />I 0. WORK SESSION — Upper Town Conference Room <br />