<br />B. El\ti~~ted Cost:. $11 20000
<br />C. Area to be . . ' . .
<br />property on ver~soS~SSAed: The abutting
<br />venue.
<br />A II.
<br />, General Natur f
<br />th'The construction eofo Improverytent.
<br />e water mai an extensIOn to
<br />present locatio~ ~gmmencing at the
<br />Avenue North of E" ereof on Vernon
<br />continuing North IfIhth Street; thence
<br />AYllljt to the inteerslcti alonf Vernon
<br />va e oa? and there te~~igatl:ieadow-
<br />B. EstImated cost: $11,500.00 g.
<br />C. Area to b . .
<br />property on ver~o~ssAessed: Abutting
<br />I venue.
<br />I A III.
<br />TheGener~1 nature of Improvement.
<br />the sa~~r: ruction of, an extension' of
<br />station int~ tl~~wrr d mcl,Uding a llft
<br />~aWlled, being part 6f ufJ~Ia~EPark. so-
<br />'4 and the SW" '4, of the
<br />Section 28, Townsh' 143 of the SE14 of
<br />a part of the NW ~p 3, Range 26, and
<br />the NE'A, of th 14 of the NlJ)'A, and
<br />Township 33 If NW'A" Section 33
<br />County, commen ,ange 26, ,Sherburne
<br />~outherlY bound~~n; ;;{ fh pomt ,:m the
<br />
<br />~rfi!I!~tlllCt NO. 51 ~:~ih::;j~~f~i~El?g~ltl:~il4
<br />
<br />",A.Ni().~jUNiCE CLOSING VILLAGE B Eert~ terminating, ay No. 1
<br />!~Ml' AND PROVIDING l'10R . s Imated cost: $9000000
<br />!~.'S~ GARBAGE AND pr~" 1rea to be assessed' Ab '
<br />'.. .... . ,.~SE CoLLECTOR: Par~:'~ y anli all of the '''Ind~;i:rit
<br />jtm.~ .'Vil~ge council of tbe Village 01
<br />f'~itrimerman do ordain as follows.~". A. General na IV.
<br />~ ~ti!)Jl 1. . That tbe Village duniIl\ Constructio fture of Improvement.
<br />n,:the. ViIlagll of ZimIIiermall sbalI the sain no. a water main .
<br />. e!.'eby beclos,ed and discontinued, .:;ts Jame aria gene;al route and jnal~~g
<br />!Pf!Jl;\Ulla~ 1st. 1971. ," :U A, abov~~ex".;>;rfbed in paragrap~
<br />:' ',2. .' Tbat there is hereby'es- he proposed watel m1i~at ~he ends,. of
<br />llo li(:ensed and bonded gar- long said OSAH No 0 wIll be joined
<br />.....,~use collector whose. duty B. Estimated cost: $n7e (1).
<br />~Q J)1'ovide ~arbage an.:! refuse CAre ,6,000.00.
<br />service within the VillagEjipf ,nd and ~llto f ~~ assessed: Abuttin
<br />aJ;l. 0 e Industrial Park g
<br />Seelllon S. That said garbage and A V. .
<br />refuse collettor shall provide and use ,General .Nature of Impr
<br />sUch trucks and equipment as will A storm sewer t ovement:
<br />rlteetVillage inspection and shall sub- e Industrial Pa~kbe constructed in
<br />Jilit 'sUeh u-ucks and equipment for in- we particularly d' ~bcalled, and
<br />Ipn l>y the' healtb officer of' said ilph III, above on e~f? edin para-
<br />e . at such Urnes as ordered by ~reof, serving 'th e. Western side
<br />utlcil or said bealth officer. )Posed street ana ~"st ,arm of the
<br />:< ~WD 4. Tbe bond of such gar- l. Estimated C JOInIng lots.
<br />b ' d tef\lse collector sball be in ' .lHl!ll. t . ost: $22,500,00.
<br />il unt . as tbe 'Council of said perty og ~~ assessed: The, abutting'
<br />1 determine and upon the e Industrial Park
<br />ucb,bond witb tbeCler~ of \"ch persons as desire t '
<br />Village a .license sball be issued~n refrence to the imgr~e beard
<br />s\lch .?oIlect9l', . JtiKg.o them, will be heardve:erJfs
<br />5. Tbe' ~arba~e and refuse LARR
<br />shall. PfOyIde hIS own dumP- Cl Y PETERSON
<br />ndsbut same shall be remov- erk-Trea,surer'
<br />the Villaljl"e, limits of said Vil- (Apr 29 May 6)
<br />lage...,b.,....'.Y a distance' of at least one
<br />T)le school calendar for, 1ll'il~r2 , 'Il(.f!.S mile.,' ,
<br />i rl?Ni.ewed..........ap,Pl'ov... ed.'.....,. ..as .\n~lcared.".b)" Se 6. . Ra.tes for sucb garbage
<br />the ,SUllEll'l~~""~ ..... . '.., ... .. I, and e collectlonsball be estab-
<br />ol-Ilisll 'the Village council and tbe
<br />I.sohe of sucb rates sball be deliv-
<br />',.ered said garbage and refuse col-
<br />t .... lector..at the time the license is issued
<br />d'. and s\l.cb rates can not be cba.nged or
<br />,~t-1lfail:d~~~~I~~t tbe consent of the
<br />
<br />1 ,7. Sbould such licensed gar-
<br />d.refuse c.ollector desire .to ter-
<br />):lis employment witb said Vil-
<br />lie tnust file witb tbe. Village
<br />Cle!' .Qf s!lid Village a notice of his.
<br />intentiqn to terminate such employ-
<br />ment,at . least 90 days prior to the
<br />date tb.ereof.
<br />n S. Tbis Ordinance shall take
<br />'~dbe in force from and after
<br />. e and publication.
<br />Passed and ordered publisbed tbis
<br />8tb. day of February. 1971:
<br />AT'l'EST:
<br />
<br />. i .,
<br />11.1./5-
<br />imr:,:'~"'!: .~'
<br />
<br />:":'~:;\
<br />
<br />.
<br />
<br />
<br />I
<br />)'
<br />
<br />'ra of
<br />:id]No. 728
<br />
<br />.
<br />
<br />
<br />t
<br />
<br />Myron E. Johnson;
<br />Mayor
<br />E. Olson.
<br />
<br />(l-W)
<br />
<br />-
<br />
<br />:.,';1\'" ~,%
<br />ftdh ~
<br />
<br />.
<br />