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Minutes of the Sherburne/Wright County Cable Commission <br /> Wednesday, December 19, 2018, 1:00 p.m. <br /> (Buffalo City Hall) <br /> Present: Chair Tina Allard (Elk River), Vice Chair Gina \Vo]beck (Big Lake), Commissioners <br /> Mert Auger (Buffalo), Andrew Carlson (Cokato), Paula Bauman (Delano), LecAnn <br /> Yager (Maple Lake) and Rachel Leonard (Monticello). <br /> Absent: "Terri Boese (Dassel), Dan Madsen (Rockford),Shane Fineran (Watertown). <br /> Also present: Technology Consultant Bill Bruce, Attorney Bob Vose, Charter Representative <br /> Patrick I laggerty. <br /> 1. Call to Order—Chair Allard called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. <br /> 2. Attorney's Report <br /> a. Charter Restructuring Resolution — Vose distributed a resolution to address Charter's <br /> requested internal restructuring. "The joint Powers Agreement grants authority to the <br /> Commission to consent to this type of restructuring involving internal subsidiaries rather <br /> than requiring resolutions from all member cities. Vose recommended approval of the <br /> resolution. <br /> Commissioner Auger motioned to approve Resolution No. 2018-01 consenting to <br /> transfer of a cable franchise. Seconded by Commissioner Yager, unanimous ayes, <br /> motion carried. <br /> b. Charter Franchise Renewal—Vose provided a summary of the franchise renewal process <br /> to this point. He negotiated with Charter on the collective behalf of the SWCC cities, but <br /> noted each city must approve the franchise agreement and cable ordinance individually. <br /> Vose highlighted the main components of the new agreement. Most terms stay the same, <br /> including the 15-year term, availability of 2 PEG channels, and PEG fee of 85 cents per <br /> subscriber. The changes in the new franchise agreement include updates to high definition <br /> for PEG channels,language addressing competitor franchise agreements, removal of <br /> right-of-way language,and limits to number of complimentary service sites and set-top <br /> boxes. <br /> Commissioner\V'olbeck asked about the performance bond in the agreement. Vose <br /> confirmed it's a single performance bond in the amount of$50,000 that is available to all <br /> commission cities. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding the best way to bring the agreements forward to the <br /> respective city council in each community. Commissioner Wolbeck suggested bringing <br /> consistent information forward. Commissioner Auger noted the information should <br /> include a recommendation from the Cable Commission as well as the memo provided by <br /> the attorney. Mr. Vose stated there are two documents for approval, the franchise <br /> agreement and the cable ordinance. Both need to be enacted as ordinances and he <br /> provided summary ordinances for each city to adapt as needed. <br /> Commissioner Allard asked about outstanding balances accrued during the dispute about <br /> cable boxes during the negotiations. Bill Bruce said he thought this had been addressed <br /> but would work with the attorney and any city with a remaining balance. <br /> Commissioner Allard also asked about the timeline for approval. Vose requested cities act <br /> to approve the ordinances within the first quarter of 2019. <br /> finally,Vose stated his opinion that this is a good agreement that retains what the <br /> commission needs. He recommended the commission move forward with recommending <br /> approval. <br />