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t Ci <br /> E Meeting of the Elk River <br /> fl, River Economic Development Authority <br /> Held at the Elk River City Hall <br /> Monday, August 15, 2016 <br /> Members Present: President Tveite,Commissioners Burandt, Ovall,Westgaard,Provo, <br /> Olsen,and Wagner <br /> Members Absent: None <br /> Staff Present: Economic Development Director Amanda Othoudt, Economic <br /> Development Specialist Colleen Eddy, and City Clerk Tina Allard <br /> I. Call Meeting to Order <br /> Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the meeting of the Elk River Economic <br /> Development Authority was called to order at 5:33 p.m. by President Tveite. <br /> 2. Consider 08/15/2016 Agenda <br /> Ms. Othoudt noted two corrections: <br /> 1. The date of minutes to be approved on the Consent agenda is July 18,2016 <br /> 2. The Member's Present section of the minutes needs to be changed from Dwyer <br /> to Ovall. <br /> Moved by Commissioner Wagner and seconded by Commissioner Olsen to <br /> approve the August 15, 2016,agenda as amended. Motion carried 7-0. <br /> 3. Consider Consent Agenda <br /> Moved by Commissioner Westgaard and seconded by Commissioner Wagner <br /> to approve the following consent agenda with the changes noted above: <br /> 3.1 July 18,2016, EDA Minutes. <br /> 3.2 Check register as outlined in the staff report. <br /> 3.3 Balance sheet as outlined in the staff report. <br /> 3.4 Revenue/Expenditure report as outlined in the staff report. <br /> Motion carried 7-0. <br /> 4. Open Forum <br /> No one appeared for Open Forum. <br /> 5. Public Hearings <br />