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I <br /> Future plans definitely1 <br /> • ,0°4 • d <br /> .. . <br /> , „,,, . on Woodbury's run <br /> .. <br /> • City's planners ment, to reconstruct, starting in <br /> 100 acres for 2001,U.S. Highway 61 in the south <br /> eye <br /> end of Washington County and to <br /> a business campus build a new Wakota bridge that <br /> takes I-494 across the Mississippi <br /> JIM BROEDE STAFF WRITER River. <br /> "Those projects," Hurst said, <br /> "will do a lot to improve access to` <br /> Woodbury can boast of being property around I-494 and Bailey <br /> home to Fortis Insurance and Road." <br /> State Farm Insurance and, later Mayor Bill Hargis said another <br /> this year, the new Woodwinds business campus in his city of <br /> • medical complex — cream-of-the- 40,000 residents is in keeping with <br /> crop businesses in campus settings the city's push for a more bal- <br /> and providers of a whole lot of anced tax base. <br /> jobs. "Now the lion's share of the tax <br /> But that's not enough to suit burden falls on residential proper- <br /> some folks in one of Minnesota's ties," he said. "But we have a goal <br /> fastest-growing cities. of offsetting that by attracting <br /> Woodbury city's planners want $220 million in commercial and <br /> to plant the seed for yet another 'industrial development over the <br /> plum by designating about 100 next 10 years." <br /> acres owned by Bailey Nurseries The city has zoned for most of <br /> at Bailey Road and Interstate 494 that development to occur along <br /> ' for a future business campus. Interstates 94 and 494. <br /> "It won't happen overnight," <br /> • city comprehensive planner Deb "What we noticed," Council <br /> - Garross said, "because that cam- Member Mike Pouliott said, "was 1 <br /> pus will have to be served by a that so far the commercial and <br /> new Interchange at I-494 and Bai- industrial development has come i <br /> ley Road and by public sewer and in the northern one-third of the <br /> water. To get all that in place city. There has been almost noth- <br /> might take 20 years or more." ing in the southern two-thirds. But <br /> Garross said a business campus a business campus on the Bailey <br /> — nestled east of Century Avenue (nurseries) property could change <br /> and between Carver and La lakes all that." <br /> — would blend with nursery prop- Woodbury officials also have <br /> erty and residential development. pledged to work closely with their <br /> "Land in that general area is neighbors in planning for the busi- { <br /> zoned for residential estates and <br /> nese campus, which would border <br /> - single-family homes," she said. "I on Newport and Maplewood. <br /> I would expect it to stay mostly that Newport administrator Larry <br /> way, except for a transition zone Bodahl said he anticipates coordi- <br /> of higher density housing next to tinted planning for the future be- <br /> - the business campus." cause both communities share the <br /> same planning consultant,Hoising- <br /> • Bailey Nurseries spokesman ton Koegler Group Inc. -I <br /> Gordon Bailey Jr. said he's keep- <br /> ing an open mind. "Our only plan In Maplewood, Woodbury's pro <br /> • for the foreseeable future," he ,posals have yet to be discussed, <br /> added, "is to stay in the nursery community development director <br /> business. But a lot of things can Melinda Coleman said. <br /> - change in 20 years." Woodbury, meanwhile, will <br /> City Council Member Cheryl schedule neighborhood meetings <br /> Hurst contends the business cam- and public hearings before adopt- <br /> pus could come much sooner than ing a new 20-year master plan for <br /> • later because of a plan by the the community in December. For <br /> Minnesota Transportation Depart- more information, call 714-3533. <br /> -SATURDAY,MAY 23,1998 SAINT PAUL PIONEER PRESS <br />