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City of MEETING NOTICE <br /> .� SPECIAL MEETING OF THE <br /> ver HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY <br /> Tuesday,April 2, 2002 - 10:00 a.m. at Lion's Park Center <br /> ii <br /> Preproposal Meeting for Downtown Revitalization Project <br /> I,Larry Toth,Chair,and Paul Motin,KRA Commissioner hereby request a special meeting of <br /> the Housing and Redevelopment Authority on April 2,2002,at 10:00 be held at Lion's Park <br /> Centex at 1104 Lion's park Drive,Elk Rivet,MN <br /> THE PURPOSE OP THIS SPECIAL ME 1NG IS AS FOLLOWS <br /> • Preproposal Meeting for the Downtown Revitalization Project <br /> • In accordance with State Statute,I hereby request the city clerk to post this notice at least three days <br /> prior to the meeting date. I further request the city clerk to notify each member of the Housing and <br /> Redevelopment Authority of this special meeting,in Ming,at least one day before the meeting. <br /> 31Rsin <br /> Lamy Toth,Chair Ai Date <br /> .3/2414"2-- <br /> Paul Motu,HRA Commissioner Date <br /> I HEREBY CERTIFY that this notice has bees posted three days prior to the special meeting date 1! <br /> and that I have served this notice upon the members of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority <br /> by mail a east one day prior to the above-called special Housing and Redevelopment Authority <br /> II <br /> X/t/-1(2--e( ,e■co0 3112--/140 2— <br /> • i r <br /> A. Peiae,City Clerk Date <br /> • <br />