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RESOLUT[ON NO. 11-44 <br />CITY OF ELK RNER <br />SHERBURNE COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br />A RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF AN ALTERNATIVE URBAN <br />AREAWIDE REVIEW FOR THE 171St AVENUE STUDY AREA <br />WHEREAS, Minnesota Rules Chapter 4410.3610 provides for a substitute form of <br />Environmental Review known as an Alternative Urban Areawide Review <br />(AUAR) process; and <br />WHEREAS, an Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) process allows for the <br />environmental review of development and associated infrastructure in a <br />particular geographic area within a jurisdiction if the local government unit has <br />an adopted Comprehensive Plan; and <br />WHEREAS, the City of Elk River has an adopted Comprehensive Plan that identifies <br />future growth and development in the study area; and <br />WHEREAS, the City recognizes the needs to begin planning for the future development of <br />land identified in the study area so a coherent community results over the <br />long term and infrastructure facilities are utilized in the most efficient manner; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the City of Elk River is the Responsible Governmental Unit (RGU) pursuant to <br />Minnesota Rules Part 4410.3610 Subp. 1; and <br />WHEREAS, the City of Elk River anticipates future development within the 171St Avenue <br />study area; and <br />WHEREAS, the study area is approximately 253 acres and is generally located east of the <br />Mississippi River, south of 171St Avenue, west of the BNSF railroad tracks <br />and north of 165th Avenue; and <br />WHEREAS, three proposed development scenarios have been identified through input <br />from the City Council to be evaluated as part of the AUAR as follows: <br />Scenario 1: Comprehensive Plan - 3 rural residential units; 75 acres <br />agricultural research; 64 acres highway commercial; 82 <br />acres light industrial; 14 acres open space; 10 acres <br />highway right-of-way (results in 696,960 square feet of <br />commercial and 892,980 square feet of industrial uses) <br />Scenario 2: 368 units high-density residential; 116 acres jobs area; <br />45 acres destination retail; 20 acres temporary <br />destination retail; 8 acres transit center; 3 acres <br />service/commercial; 5 acres open space; 10 acres <br />highway right-of-way (results in 827,640 square feet of <br />commercial and 1,263,240 square feet of industrial <br />uses) <br />Scenario 3: 920 units high density residential; 116 acres jobs area; <br />Q IUsersybarnhar(' 1ppDarafLoca/~2rosojtl WindowslTemporary lraerner Fi7eslContenl.OuJookICIPBXIPDIA UAR Resolution Ordecdx <br />