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1FC~~tMl4~T6t~ <br />ver <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Economic Development Authority <br />Housing & Redevelopment Authority <br />FROM: Catherine Mehelich, Director of Economic Development <br />DATE: April 12, 2010 <br />SUBJECT: Executive Director's Report <br />The purpose of this periodic memorandum is to keep the EDA and HRA informed of <br />various ongoing activities that often go on behind the scenes in the Economic Development <br />Division. EDA and HRA Commissioners should feel free to bring up any questions or <br />issues for discussion under the "Other Business" section of the Agenda. <br />Foreclosure Initiatives <br />The strategies to address foreclosures in Elk River are 3-fold - 1) Prevention 2) Preserve & <br />Secure and 3) Recovery. A great amount of staff time has been spent implementing the <br />Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) with Tri-CAP and MN Housing Finance <br />Agency in accordance with the NSP guidelines. The HRA has deployed roughly 50% of the <br />awarded $593,820 of federal funds. The balance was recently de-obligated by MHFA and <br />distributed to communities in greater need. To date 6 households have been provided down <br />payment assistance ranging from $5,000 to $14,999. The HRA is able to continue <br />administering the program in eligible neighborhoods with its fund balance. <br />Staff continues to market the program through the newspaper, website and realtor <br />community. Staff also continues to collect foreclosure data from the county and share <br />information with various city departments to monitor these neighborhoods and prevent <br />issues arising from vacant homes. <br />Business Retention/Expansion Visits <br />Over the past year staff has made multiple contact with the manufacturing businesses and <br />continues to schedule visits with EDA Commissioners when possible. A separate update <br />report on this item is included in the April 12, 2010 EDA packet. <br />