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Management's Discussion and Analysis -Continued <br />April 6, 2010 <br />ECC~NG~IC FA.CTGR.S ANI~ NEST YEAR'S BUDGETS ANI~ RATES <br />The increased emphasis toward renewable energy and away from coalwbased energy, the challenge to reduce energy and water <br />consumption while still maintaining the existing infi astructure, and the smart grid developments are all factors that point to <br />potential increased cast in the coming years. ~e don't want to have to rely on increasing rates to meet those increases and <br />continue to lack for ways to increase efficiencies and reduce costs, fur mission is to provide safe, cost-effective, reliable utilities, <br />and that will be a challenge in the coming years but it is a challenge we are ready to embrace, <br />C®NTACTING THE UTILITIES FINANCIAL NIANA.GER <br />This financial report is designed to provide our citizens, customers, investors and creditors with a general overview of the <br />Utilities' finances and to demonstrate the Utilities' accountability far the money it receives, Questions concerning any of the <br />information provided in this report or requests for additional financial information should be addressed to Theresa Slominski, Eik <br />River Municipal Utilities, P4 Box 430, Elk River, Minnesota 55330-0430 or stop by at 13469 Orono Parkway in Elk River, MN. <br />-16- <br />